作者:Zakkary Hoxell 5 年以前
Commercial Fishing
The text discusses various aspects of commercial fishing, including aquaculture and its environmental impact. Aquaculture involves the artificial breeding and cultivation of fish in controlled environments, such as fish farms.
Commercial Fishing Aquaculture Environmental Concerns These largely nitrogen-based wastes can cause oxygen depletion in coastal environments and a net loss of marine productivity in certain coastal areas. Disease is a disease of silver perch which can be responsible for mass mortality events in grow-out ponds. Fish Farms a place where fish are artificially bred or cultivated Techniques Tangle Nets a type of nylon fishing net. Left in the water for no more than two days, and allowing bycatch to be released alive Gill Nets a fishing net which is hung vertically so that fish get trapped in it by their gills. Drift Nets a large net for herring and similar fish, kept upright by weights at the bottom and floats at the top and allowed to drift with the tide. Lobster and Crab Pots Crab traps are used to bait, lure, and catch crabs for commercial or recreational use. Off-Shore Fishing fishing in deep water (more than 30 metres) and at some distance from land. On-Shore Fishing fishing that takes place in the shallow saltwater flats and bays Dredging dredge which is towed along the bottom of the sea by a fishing boat Trawling the activity of fishing with a trawl net or seine. Main topic Sustainable and Unsustainable Fishing Unsustainable Sustainable