作者:Kendra Douglas 5 年以前
coral reefs
Rising carbon dioxide levels due to human activities like fossil fuel burning and industrial processes are drastically altering marine ecosystems. Increased CO2 in the atmosphere leads to higher ocean acidity as it reacts with seawater to form carbonic acid.
Major change to ecosystem Removal of predators Removal of Herbivores Overfishing Spillage from pipelines Spillage from oil tankers Oil Industry Fertilizers & Pesticides Agriculture Chemical Pollution Human Impact Hydrosphere Can take decades to go back to normal Happens due to heat or pollution Leave behind colourless skeleton Algae released when coral get stressed Provide food from photosynthesis Live inside coral tissue Colour comes from algae called Zooxanthellae Caused by carbon pollution 1/3 of CO2 since Industrial Revolution is in the ocean Rising from fossil fuels CO2 levels higher than in the last 625 000 years Provides food for about 500 million people worldwide A quarter of all marine organisms Rainforests of the Ocean Coral Bleaching Increasing Temperature Less than 100 years Severely Reduced Ecosystems when atmospheric CO2 reaches 560mg/L Organisms cannot make Calcium Carbonate Shells (Coral) CO2 and sea water create Carbonic Acid Reached by year 2100 Acidity beyond threshold Man-made CO2 in atmosphere Rising Ocean Acidity Coral Reefs in Danger of Being Destroyed