作者:Maira Nagles 6 年以前
The interconnectedness of language and culture plays a vital role in the development of language learning processes. Evaluating these processes involves recognizing various types of learning strategies, including both direct strategies such as memory and cognitive strategies, and indirect strategies like metacognitive and social strategies.
About the Standards for Foreign Languages This vision is understood that language and communication are at the heart of the
human experience. The development of this sociolinguistic competence corresponds to the field of
pragmatics. Evaluate achievements Curriculum Rate achievement indicators Expected learning achievements
flotante. Evaluation process: Mistakes are considered part of the learning processes. Communication is its primary purpose. Communicative teaching of languages Characteristics Types of learning process development Take into account Methodological approach Language level Motivation Age Language and culture are
inseparable elements. Students use different
learning strategies. Learning through participation
in activities. Methodological Suggestions Rich methodologies Metodologías flexibles Active methodologies Purpose To develop communicative competence for the use of the foreign language. Benefits Ability to appreciate linguistic symbols. Metalinguistic awareness Learning strategies
strategies Indirect strategies: Metacognitive strategies Affective strategies Social strategies Direct strategies: Compensation strategies Cognitive strategies Memory strategies Types of language
competence Competencia Pragmática Proper knowledge of the language. Organizational competence Domain of the formal structure of language. External factor: Interaction between languages
and cultures. Internal factor knowledge Intercultural Interaction between different cultures Syntactic period Prepositions, past forms and interrogation are used. Pre-syntactic stadium The structures are taken into account
in the sentences (S + V + C) Silent period Use of common words and phrases Interlingual Stage It is the process of an apprentice to speak a second language. Curricular guidelines: Foreign languages AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT AND ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Students must acquire familiarity with cultures that use the foreign language and generate awareness of how language and culture interact Elements and Approaches of the Curriculum of Foreign Languages Globalization and technological capacities for learning in the information age Hypothesis and as a modela that make stronger the langauge development. New technologies in the foreign language curriculum. The Communicative Competence
in Foreign Languages. Second Language Learning