作者:Hannah Homenuk 14 年以前
Foundation Chemistry UNIT 1
This document outlines foundational concepts in chemistry, emphasizing the importance of calculations involving moles, ideal gas equations, and various yield measures. It delves into atomic structure, discussing electron arrangements, isotopes, and fundamental particles.
Foundation Chemistry UNIT 1 Periodicity Ionisation Energy Succesive Ionisation Energy Groups 5-6 Groups 2-3 Trends in Properties Period 3 Elements Atomic Radii
Melting/Boiling Points
The Periodic Table S,P,D,F blocks Structure Periods
Organic Chemistry Isomerism Structural Isomers Functionla Group Isomers
Positional Isomers
Chain Isomers
Homologous Series Naming Organic Compounds Functional Groups Prefixes and Suffixes Roots Amount of Substance Balancing Equations Empirical and Molecular Formula Calculation Definitions Calculations Moles Moles in solutions Percentage Yield Atom Economy Ideal Gas Equation Relative Atomic Mass. Relative Molecular Mass. The Mole and Avagadros Constant Alkanes Combustion Catalytic Converters Pollutions Incomplete Complete Industrial Cracking Catalytic Cracking Thermal Cracking Fractional Distillation Alkanes Reacting Physical Properties Solubility Boiling Points Polarity Naming Alkanes General Formula Bonding Shapes of Molecules Name of Shapes Bond Angles Electron Pair Repulsion Theory Crystal Structures Macromolecular Molecular Metallic Ionic States of Matter Energy Changes Forces Between Molecules van de Waal Forces Permenant Dipole Dipole Forces Hydrogen Bonding Subtopic
Forces Between Atoms Metallic Bonding Covalent Bonding Ionic Bonding Atomic Structure Mass Spectrometer Isotopes Mass Number, Atomic Number Arrangement of Electrons Fudenmental Particles