West Renaisance
3. Discovery of india??
2. Discovery of nature
1. Freedom from church
Veda -> knowledge
Vidanta -> Goal of knowledge
Find nature of reality
Yang Yoga - Use the razon to get to the reality
Meditation and other thecniques
Remind yourself that everything you do isn't you is God
True love, love is the ultimate reality
Willing the happiness of the other
Expansion of happiness
Being two as one
We most of the time can only love other human being
Not knowing the true nature of reality
There is nothing out there that is no I
Budda Smiles
When you know you are happy
We not only don't know but WE think we know
I think of myself of as apart from God
The other ones are contain in the first one
Attaching to the ephimeral
Aversion to the unsubstantial
Identification with the ego
Fear of death
Cause of suffering