Homelessness in Canada
What can you do?
If you see a homeless person, you can tell him where the nearest shelter is to seek help
You can also donate canned food to homeless food drives and donate clothes you don't need or want
What you can do is volunteer at homeless shelters nearby. This also will give you your volunteer hours. You can also shine light on homeless to see if anyone would donate money to build a shelter
What is the government doing about it
Committing over $400 million in funding over five years through the Canada-Ontario Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH) Agreement. As of September 2015 under the IAH program, more than 13,400 affordable units are being built and repaired. As well, rental and down payment assistance has been committed to nearly 14,700 households in need across the province.
Investing approximately $1.6 million from the Local Poverty Reduction Fund to support eight homelessness-related projects.
Committing $16 million over three years to create approximately 1,000 supportive housing spaces for people with mental health and addiction issues, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Main topic
Poverty is the mother of crime. Marcus Aurelius
More and more people are facing homelessness and housing problems. Adam Sampson
We have come dangerously close to accepting the homeless situation as a problem that we just can't solve. Linda Lingle
How does Homelessness In Canada compare to the rest of the world
About 789743.5 people in every country is homeless
Canada inst a country relativity known for having homeless but this is still a big problem as there still people and no one should be living on this streets
What are the main causes of homelessness
Personal or family crisis
It is estimated that about 41% of marrages end
in divorces
6% of Canadians are unemployed
Lack of fordable housing
As the prices of houses increase in Canada
this will become a huge problem
Quick facts about homelessness in Canada
Poverty cost Canada billions annually
Al thought it cost billions, if the homeless people
are financially stable, they can get a job
This will increase the overall economy
of the country
An estimated 235,000 of people
experience homelessness
1 in 7 people live in poverty
All over the globe many "homeless people" pretend
to be in a desperate situation but 23% of the worlds
homeless are fake and just want the extra money