I John 2:15-17
Other stuff
Ramifications for personal decisions
Asking the right question: why do I like this?
What is worldliness?
Ramifications for church
Do we interview people about how we should do church?
Dever: "self-consciously distinct from the culture"
Possible intro stuff
How dangerous? Demas, even Christian ministry
Love people / don't love world have equal importance
But the one who does the will of God lives forever
No sacrifice in turning away from the world; only gain
permanence; always relevant
The world is passing away and also its lusts
In the end, evidence of hatred toward God
Is not from the Father but is from the world
Illust: things my wife hates (not jokingly, but seriously)
taboos that aren't really a big deal? or hostile toward God?
The boastful pride of life
Clothes, tech gadgets, vehicles, homes, jobs,
James 4:16
The lust of the eyes
Covetousness, materialism
False values: how it looks to man instead of how it looks to God
Do we value things like God values them?
Achan, David
The lust of the flesh
Define lust and flesh
I Cor. 9:27
Parallel with Gen 3 and Luke 4
Meaning of flesh
For all that is in the world
world = people; these things are in people and thus in our culture too
If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him
James 4:4 - friend of the world, keeping them happy
Mark of healthy relationship with God: hating evil
Context: relationship with God
Present tense
Do not love the world nor the things in the world
World in general, or just a particular aspect
Def. of love here
Review def. of world
not them as individuals, but combined force of their direction and wallets