类别 全部 - gold - culture - future - war

作者:Jasmyne Williams 3 年以前


Manifest Destiny

The concept of Manifest Destiny was the driving force behind the United States' expansion across North America, rooted in the belief that such expansion was both a divine right and a cultural imperative.

Manifest Destiny

Oregon Fever

What were the reasons for traveling to the Oregon Country?

Some religious group thought it was a way to promote their beliefs
They wanted to practice religious freedom
Women went because they could own their own property
They wanted a warm, comfortable, and gentle climate
Economic downturn
Corrupt bankers
Many diseases kept occurring
Plants were flooding their crops from the Missouri and Mississippi rivers

Westward Expansion: Brigham Young and the Mormons


What was the cost of progress for this group?
They had to abandon their homes, farms, and cities, and move.

They lost their leader because he was murdered

What is their legacy?
They were the most organized
Why did they move west?
Joseph and his brother were murdered

Knowing they weren't welcome anymore so they left

They went to Missouri

But the Mormon extermination order so they had to move again

Why are they significant to Westward Expansion?
They were the largest group of the people to move the enmasse westward, nearly ten thousand Mormons went west all at the same time
They followed to Oregon trail
Brigham Young led the Mormons to Utah
They built Salt Lake City there
Mormons are from New York
Then moved to illinois


Mormons believed there is always a prophet of God on the earth
Also that the heavenly messenger Moroni was the angel who appeared to Joseph Smith and told him about the golden plates.

Four Factors That Encouraged Texan Independence

Texas settlers were culturally American NOT Mexican.

Texas was mostly desert in the west
In Mexico slaves weren't allowed so they made Americans sign a contract
They were supposed to change there language and stuff but they didn't
They continued to speak english

Manifest Destiny


Station 6
Lewis Henry Morgan, “The Destiny of the Indian,” 1851
Station 5
John O’Sullivan, “Annexation,” 1845
Station 4
Walt Whitman, “Passage to India,” 1871
Station 3
John O’Sullivan on California, 1845
Station 2
Walt Whitman, “Pioneers! O Pioneers,” 1865

Walt Whitman is preparing everyone for war ahead.

Knowing some will die they still have to continue and move on.

His attitude was confident, aggressive, and encouraging while he is trying to persuade everyone around him.

Station 1
John O’Sullivan, "The Great Nation of Futurity," 1839

O'Sullivan based it off what he wants in the future.

There current nation is still growing and improving but they have many goals ahead of them. Hoping that they can accomplish there goals.

The Gold Rush

Brannan had a pan to become one of the richest man in the region.
He ran through the streets of San Francisco yelling about James Marshall's discovery

Afterwards he bought every mining tool you could think of selling them for more money then they were worth.

The first person to ever find a piece of gold was James Marshall
He found it while he was building a sawmill for John Sutter

What was it, and how was the idea supported?

The belief that the United States had a "God-given" right to expand across the entire continent. The expansion of the U.S. was both justified due to their superior culture and inevitable.




A predetermined course of events




Easily understood or recognized by the mind