作者:Pol Riubrogent 8 年以前
Blended with other metals or non-metals, obtained from the fusion of all components.
Cupro-nickel (copper + nickel)
Hard pieces of ships Production of coins
Highly corrosion resistant
Nordic Gold (copper + aluminum + zinc + pond)
Coins of 10, 20 and 50 cents
Looks very similar to gold, but not contains it
Bronze (copper + pond)
Musical instruments Statues and monuments Engrenatges taps
Dark yellow, orange More traction resistant brass Corrosion resistant Very fluid when melted, which makes it very suitable for mold It is hard and has a low melting point
Brass (copper + zinc)
Radiators, locks, hinges Decoration, needles, taps Bells Musical instrument
Yellow Very ductile and malleable Tensile strength of 53 kg / mm2 Zinc reduces the melting point, the electrical and thermal conductivity provided by copper Zinc improves the mechanical properties provided by copper and facilitates molding
Biomedical implants Engines and rockets and aircraft structures Reflective paint Desalination plants
Dark gray Very hard very expensive Resistant to corrosion from seawater Very good mechanical resistance Bio compatible
Airplanes, rockets Pyrotechnics and explosives Refractories for furnaces Improved grip objects
Bright white very light Expensive Ductile and malleable Liquid or was it reacts violently with oxygen Essential for human life
Planes, missiles, tanks and ships Aluminum foil Containers for food cartons Tennis Rackets bicycles Windows, doors, radiators High Voltage Cables Kitchenware
Bright white light Good resistance to corrosion cheap Tou nontoxic Good electrical and thermal conductivity Low melting point Very malleable and ductile The most abundant on Earth Easy and cheap to recycle
Galvanized steel to protect it from corrosion Batteries for laptops and missiles Component metallic paints barriers tubes
Bluish-white Highly resistant to corrosion Essential for human life Moderately hard and fragile It becomes malleable between 100 and 150 ºC
Welding electrical and electronic tubes
Bright bluish-white Tou stainless malleable ductile Resistant to corrosion from sea water, distilled tap Low melting point (231ºC)
Conductive materials Solenoids, motors integrated circuits Coins Sculptures Pesticides Tubes
Red Excellent conductor of heat and electricity Good welding Ductile and malleable Forming alloys improves their metallic properties but loses conductivity Very important in plant photosynthesis Essential for human life
Soft iron
Ships, aircraft, machinery, remnants of industrial processes, drums ...
Foil, cans, cartons, bags of potatoes, bottle caps, cars, bicycles, aerosols ...