Timeline of Television
The evolution of television has been marked by numerous significant advancements over nearly two centuries. Early foundational work in electromagnetism by Joseph Henry and Michael Faraday paved the way for electronic communication.
Timeline of Television
(1831-2010) 2010 Parasonic makes the first
3D television set 1992 Cartoon Network
introduced to everyone 1969 600 MILLION people watch the first TV transmission made from the moon 1967 Most TVs are now colored 1962 The first satellite for TV broadcasts (named Telstar) is launched 1956 First remote control created by Robert Adler called the Zenith Space Commander 1948 1 million homes now
have televisions Cable television
is introduced 1941 The FCC releases
the NTSC standard
of black and white TV 1930 Charles Jenkins releases/broadcasts the first ever TV commercial BBC begins regular
TV transmissions 1929 Vladimir Zworykin creates kinescope tube which is the first electronic system for both the transmission and reception of images 1927 Philo Farnsworth files
for a patent on first
electronic television
Bell Telephone and U.S. Department
of Commerce first conduct long-
distance use of television in
Washington D.C. and New York City
1923 Vladimir Zworykin patents
his iconoscope based on
Swinton's ideas 1907 Campbell Swinton and
Boris Rosing both develop
electronic methods of
reproducing images 1884 Paul Julius Gottieb patented
the Nipkow disk, which scanned
lines of image 1831 Joseph Henry and Michael Faraday's
work in electromagnetism begins
research in electronic communication