类别 全部 - volume - area - length - temperature

作者:Cameron Littler 8 年以前


Units of Measurement

The MindMap is designed to assist elementary students in grades 4-6 by providing a quick reference for various measurements in both the U.S. Customary System and the International System.

Units of Measurement

Units of Measurement

The goal of this MindMap is to give students a quick reference point to find the different measurements used in both the U.S. Customary System and the International System. The intended audience for this MindMap is elementary students in grades 4-6.

U.S. Customary System

The U.S. Customary Units of Length are:

This website shows the different units of length in the U.S. Customary System.
Inch, Foot, Yard, Mile

The measurements for volume using the U.S. Customary System are:
Cubic Inches
Cubic Feet
Cubic Yards

Cubic Inch, Cubic Foot, Cubic Yard

The standard unit of temperature measurement in the United States is Fahrenheit. The video explains how to convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius.

This YouTube video shows how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.
This link is a chart to show what each unit of measurement of weight means.
Ounce, Pound, Ton

1 Cup=Ounces(oz.)
1 Pint=16 Ounces or 2 cups
1 Quart=32 Ounces or 2 Pints
1 Gallon=128 Ounces or 4 Quarts

The GallonBot is a tool to use to show the relationship between the different measurements for capacity.
Cup, Pint, Quart, Gallon

Area is measured in Square Inches, Square Feet, Square Yards, Acres, and Square Miles in the U.S. Customary System.

Square Inch, Square Foot, Square Yard, Acre, Square Mile

International System


The International System units of length are:

This is a chart showing the metric units of length in the International System.
Kilometer, Meter, Centimeter, Millimeter
This is a page that explains what volume is and how it is measured in the International System.
Liter, Milliliter, Centimeter cubed, Meter cubed

The standard unit of temperature measurement in almost all of the world except the United States is Celsius. The video demonstrates how to convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.

This is a video that shows how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.
This is a chart that shows the different weights and their values in the International System.
Milligram, Centigram, Decigram, Gram, Kilogram, Metric ton
This is a chart showing the different capacities and their values in the International System.
Kiloliter, Hectoliter, Dekaliter, Liter, Deciliter, Centiliter, Milliliter

Area is measured in Square Centimeters, Square Meters, Ares, Hectares, and Square Kilometers in the International System.

Square Centimeter, Square Meter, Are, Hectare, Square Kilometer