Coaching Interview 1. Gather top-level project constraints.
Interview SME and sponsor to fill in each of the requested constraints.
Major Tasks
What are the major engineering tasks required in order to accomplish the Job Outcome?
For a Job Outcome of "Custom LoRaWAN demo application using the SAMR34 Module", we could have the following tasks:
- Evaluate the functional fitness of the SAMR34 for the demo application
- Build/purchase a hardware prototype for the application
- Download/Install firmware development tools
- Write and test firmware for the application
Schmitt Trigger and Input Threshold Control Register
Overview of MCC Melody Libraries
Implementation and Delivery Constraints
Course Type (Lecture-Only, Hands-On)?
Course Duration (Hours)?
Number of instructors required?
No Q/A sessions after class
Online Recorded Demos
Online Videos
Target Audience
Who are the major audience groups the training is targeted to?
Expected background knowledge and experience level?
Familiar with typical Electronic Tools (Oscilloscope, Volt Meter, Etc.)
Familiar with Microchip Development Tools including Microchip Nano Module
Familiar with MPLAB X and MCC Melody
Some Embedded C language Knowledge
Limited Embedded Control Design Knowledge
Limited knowledge of the Microchip PIC18 Architecture (Oscillator, Reset Circuitry, Programming Configurations, etc.)
Major Job Outcome
What will Attendees be able to produce or accomplish back on the job after taking this training? State it as a noun-phrase, for example:
"Customized LoRaWAN demo application using the SAMR34 Module"
At the end of this training the student will be able to setup I/O ports on Microchip PIC MCU devices for digital inputs (Sensors), Digital Outputs (Indicators) using the MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) Melody Libraries.
Due Date
Nov 1, 2021
This Class will cover all the features associated with the GPIO module in the 8-Bit PIC MCU Family. There will be Demonstrations to show how to set up the Peripheral for types of inputs and outputs. There will be discussions on where certain features will be useful in real world examples. And also cover common pitfalls you may encounter with GPIO.
Course Outline
Coaching Interview 3. Develop a Course Outline
From the Job/Task analysis, group content together into chapters and name the chapters.
"Knowledge" (Concept/Fact/Principle) bubbles map to "Lessons"
"Procedure" bubbles map to "Lab Exercises" or "Quizzes" or other hands-on activities.
Typically, a 1:1 relationship exists between Major Tasks and Chapters. However, you are free to group knowledge and procedures from several different Tasks into the same Chapter in the course outline.
When finished, the TTE will produce a course outline in word format that captures this structure.
Summarize items mentioned above
Common Pitfalls
IOL vs VOL curves
Improper threshold voltage selection
Suggestion of what to do with unused pins (output driving zero?)
Floating pin causes excessive power consumption
ANSEL misconfigured causes the pin to read zero at all times
Pullup interferes with external source driving the pin
Peripheral Pin Select Register
Demonstrate PPS using the UART Hello World using Data visualizer
What is UART (basic description)
It purpose and when to use it
What is Peripheral Pin Select
Advanced Digital Output Control
Slew Rate control Register
Demonstrate Slew Rate Register
What is Slew Rate Control
Advanced Digital Input Control
Input Threshold Control Register
Graphic images of Scope Plot or Similar
What is input Threshold
Schmitt Trigger
Graphic images of Scope Plot or similar
Purpose and when to use it
What is a Schmitt Trigger
Weak Pull Up Register
Demonstrate WPU Register
It's purpose and how to enable
What is a WPU
Interrupt On Change Register
Demonstrate Interrupt on Change
When to use it and how to use it
What is Interrupt on Change
Using a GPIO to Control an LED (Digital Output)
Demo using PORT, LAT, TRIS, and ANSEL Registers
Overview of MCC Melody
GPIO Libraries within MCC Melody
Introduction to PIC MCU GPIO Architecture
ANSEL Register
Analog vs Digital State
TRIS Register
Input vs Output
Tristate buffer truth-table
PORT and LAT Registers
PORT Structure Diagram