Type in the name of the project that is under review, and press Enter.
Manual de Identidad
Manuales de Comunicacion
Manual de Comunicación en Emergencia
ABC del Periodista
ABC de Gestion del Riesgo
Boletines e Informe
Informes Especiales
Boletines Externos
Mes en Imagen
Biblioteca y Publicaciones
Biblioteca digital
Centro Documentación
Sistema Nacional de Informacion
Directorio Consejos Municipales y Departamentales
Directorio Sistema
Fondo Nacional de Calamidades
Planeacion, Control y Gestion
Rendicion de Cunetas
Estrategia rendición de Cuentas 2020
Estrategia Rendicion de Cuentas 2019
Entes de Control
Estrategia Rendicion de Cuentas 2018
Estrategia rendicion de Cuentas 2017
Estrategia Rendicion de Cuentas 2016
Estrategia Rendicion de Cuentas 2015
Add some information about the impact of change in your project.
- Did you keep a log of changes?
- Did you use a change control method in your project?
- What were the origins of changes in your project? Did they come from the customer, from clarified specifications, or from unexpected issues?
- Did you have to make changes to the original scope to meet other constraints?
Planes, Politicas y Proyectos
Riesgos y Oportunidades
Proyectos de Inversion
Programa Gestion Documental
Politica Cero Papel
Planes Desarrollo Administrativo
Planes Sistemas de Informacion
Plan Nacional de Gestion del Riesgo
Plan Estrategico Sectorial
Plan Estrategico
Plan de Cooperacion Internacional
Plan de Adquisiciones
Plan de Accion
Plan Anticorrupcion
Defensa Judicial
Atencion al Ciudadano
Procesos Contratación
Aspectos Presupuestales y Financieros
Estados Financieros
Notificaciones por Aviso
Fallos y Sentencias
Sentencia T-648 de 2013
Proyectos de Decreto
Leyes y Decretos
La dirección y su Equipo
Directorio Funcionarios
Jefes de Oficina
Secretaria General
Talento Humano
Politicas de Talento Humano
Manual de Induccion
Manual de Funciones
Evaluacion de Desempeño
Asignacion Salarial
Add some information about the risk performance of your project.
- Did you keep a log of potential risks?
- Did you take action to control risks?
- How many of the identified risks actually occurred? Were you able to control their impact?
- How many problems arose which had not been identified as risks? Could some of these have been predicted?
Cooperacion Internacional
Oficinas Asesoras
Planeacion e Informacion
Control Interno
Add some information about the performance of deliverables.
- Did the project plan define deliverables?
- Were the deliverables completed on time?
- Did you have defined acceptance criteria?
- What was the initial acceptance rate?
- Was further work needed to bring deliverables up to the required level? What impact did this have on the project?
Manejo de Desastres
Reporte de Atencion de Emergencias
Proveedores AHe
Programa Nacional de Busqueda y Rescate
estudio de Mercado AHE
Consolidado Anual de Emergencias
Add some information about performance against requirements.
- Did you have a set of requirements at the start of the project?
- How clear were these requirements?
- How well were you able to meet these requirements?
- Did the requirements change during the project?
- Was there any impact from changing requirements?
- Were changing requirements identified as a project risk?
Reduccion del Riesgo
Mapa de Asistencia Tecnica
Guias, Manuales y Documentos Tecnicos
Add some information about the timescale performance of the project.
- Did you have a plan with dated milestones?
- Did you achieve the milestone dates?
- Did you need to make changes to keep to the plan?
- What were the reasons for running late or ahead?
Conocimiento del Riesgo
Comision Nacional para la Investigacion
Add some information about the financial performance of the project.
- Did you have a planned budget?
- How close to the budget was it?
- Did you need to make some changes to keep it within budget?
- What were the reasons for going under or over budget?
Informacion Institucional
Sistema Integrado de Planeaciòn y Gestion
Objetivos y Funciones
Misión y Visión
Codigo de Integridad
Add some information about the performance of the communication of the project.
- Did you have a communications plan?
- Did all project stakeholders know enough about the project at the right times?
- Could the project participants find the information they needed, in the expected places?
- Did the project stakeholders provide all the information and feedback needed?