Kategoriak: All - sanitation - education - climate - poverty

arabera Xue Leon 11 months ago


5 Most Important Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Addressing climate change is critical, yet education around it remains insufficient; a significant percentage of young people and countries' curriculums lack comprehensive information on the subject.

5 Most Important Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

5 Most Important Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Zero Hunger

71% of local livestock breeds are endangered and investment in agraculture is decreacing.
Number of people facing hunger and food insecurity have been rising since 2015. In 2015, the number of people facing hunger was around 589 million people, in 2021, the number has increased to 768 million people, partially as a result of Covid-19.
21.5% of nations are experiencing high food prices in 2021. Declining from 48% in 2020.
Around 670 million people are going to face hunger by 2030.

No Poverty

We need to target vulnerable people, make basic resources and services more accessible, and support communities with conflict and disasters to reach the goal.
Only 8.6% of children, 7.8% of vulnerable people, and 23.2% of old people get social protection cash benefits in low-income countries. People who get social protection cash benefits have increased by 2% from 2015 to 2020. 45% increased to 47%.
If nothing happens, 575 million people will still live in poverty by 2030.
Since 2015, countries worldwide have increased government spending on essential services.

Good Health and Well-Being

COVID-19 and many other ongoing crisis has delayed progress towards this SGD.
The global mortality ratio went from 227 deaths per 100 000 births to 223 deaths per 100 000 births. The under 5 (years old) mortality rate also went from 43 deaths per 1000 births to 38 deaths per 100 births. In 2021, 5 million kids died before reaching 5 years old, decreacing from 6.1 million kids in 2015. One of the goals are by 2030, we need to end all preventable deaths of children under 5 years old. 73% of countries have already met or are on their way to meeting the mortality target of under 25 deaths per 100 people.
68 million children are under vaccinated from just TB and marlaria as of 2022.
Every day, almost 800 women are dying from preventable causes related to childbirth and pregnancy. 95% of these deaths are in low income countries.

Clean Water and Sanitation

18.2% of the world is experiencing water stress, or scarcity, in 2020. That shows a 1.2% increase from 2015. Water stress remains high in central Asia, southern Asia, and northern Africa.
Achieving the goal requires a 6-fold increase in clean drinking water, a 5-fold increase in sanitation, and an 8-fold increase in hygiene.
Just over half of the world's wastewater has been treated in 2022, but little to no progress has been made toward the goal of halving the percentage of unsafe water.
In 2022, 2.2 billion people lacked safe drinking water, 3.5 billion people lacked safely managed sanitation, and 2.2 billion people lacked basic washing hand facilities.

Climate Action

Education about climate change is still limited. 70% of young people can only explain climate change broadly in 2022. When analyzing the curriculum frameworks of 100 countries, it revealed that 47% do not mention climate change. Only a third of the 95% of teachers who know the importance of educating climate change communicate it successfully.
Mortality rates from disasters have multiplied by 15 times in vulnerable areas.
The world would experience more than 1.5 degrees celcius by 2035, and 2.5 degrees celcius by 2100.
Within the last decade, the rate of sea level rising has doubled!