Collaborative Online Gantt Chart Maker with Mind Maps

Use an online Gantt chart maker to turn mind maps into Gantt charts. You'll get a clear overview of your tasks, their start and due dates, how they depend on one another, and which milestones are coming up.

Elkarlanean Doako plana Erabilera erraza

Gure zerbitzuetan konfiantza duten enpresa berritzaileak

Moss Media Solutions
Wealth Strategies
DATS - Digital Action Tracking System
Fractal Design

Keep tasks simple, your team engaged, and stakeholders in the loop with Mindomo's Gantt chart maker.



Create a plan, break it into tasks and sub-tasks, and set deadlines to start getting some outputs.


Create shareable and collaborative Gantt Charts where your project plan updates automatically and in real-time for everyone.


An online Gantt chart generator offers instant insight into how multiple team members are handling various aspects of the project simultaneously.

Plan, schedule and deliver with Gantt charts

See at a glance what has to be done and when, and get your team involved right away.

Monitor your project's progress once it's underway

Adjust the project schedule, workload, and allocation of resources to ensure project delivery.

Collaborate and get work done faster

Create project workspaces where you can collaborate with your team anytime, anywhere.

Scott Chisholm

"Era guztietako proiektuen plangintzarako Mindomo hartu dugu. Han egunero nago. Besterik gabe, ez dago modu hoberik hainbeste pentsamendu planifikatzeko eta nire taldekideekin partekatzeko."

Scott Chisholm

Sistemen arkitektoa

Hannes Wallin

"Mindomo tresna bikaina eta polifazetikoa da. Plangintzatik hasi eta ideia-jasarako denetarako erabiltzen dugu, diagrama sinpleetatik dokumentu estrategiko garrantzitsuetaraino. Oso gomendatua!"

Hannes Wallin


Duncan Moss

"Eskuragarri dauden buru mapak egiteko tresna ezagun guztiak probatu ditut eta Mindomo denetan errazena, ezaugarri aberatsena eta merkeena dela ikusi dut."

Duncan Moss

Marketing Digitaleko aholkularia


Probatu Mindomo gaur

New to Gantt Charts? Mindomo is easy to get started with and freely accessible.

Elkarlanean Doako plana Erabilera erraza