Kategoriak: All - deception - plan - conflict

arabera Manuel Buitrago 5 years ago


A Swim

The story revolves around Mr. Botibol, who becomes entangled in a high-stakes auction aboard a ship. Initially confident in his strategy to win a significant prize, he soon realizes the complexity of the situation.

A Swim


Ethel´s Boitol wife

Botibol deseperated by the condition of the see ask the purser about the best option can take,the purser with a strange face answering that he doesn´t Know anything.

with that feeling of movement she had for the movement of the ship did a very loud scream.

Our story continues with the appearance of this character

In the middle of the Atlantic sea on the morning of third day of embarcation,the story begins.During a moment of calm and stability on the the ship all member left their rooms and all the crew members of that boat were seen each other during that day,in the night the dinig room was filled with people eating and drinking,sudenly the ship changed that state of inmobility and became a rocking chair




Bony and tall lady

The woman did not know what to do so she stayed immobile for a while with that expression of quite anguish,she did not know what to do then another woman came up she was tall and bony with that perplexed face when that lady told her what happened,this lady did not Believed on what she was saying and let that conversation happen with the expression of what you must way for me maggie,That woman finished saying "Such a nice man.´I´ved waved to me".

He walked 18 meters away from that woman and thought how to launch without suffering that fall,for a few seconds he plan to fall in the leaste painful way,and when we least expect he takes the decision to fall,he scream as loud as he can so that woman could hear him

This idea had to be carried out cautiously so that they would not suspect anyting,He went up to the deck and saw no one except that old,fat lady who was in that corner,he realized that woman had to know that he was there,Then he entered into a conversation

Fat and old lady

After a while thought of an excellent idea,Mr Botibol planned to lower a boat from the ship and move forward perhaps one kilometer for that cruise would be returned more or less an hour,since that cruise would be returned more or less an hour,since that feat would delay the ship almost fifty kilometers that was enough to make it winner

supporting idea that help the conflict to be developed.

That morning he realized that his assuption had been wrong and that it was not possible to win that amount of money

Mr Botibol had five hundred dollars in his account of maybe six hundred,That was around 200 pounds ,He wait until the Auctioneer makes the last offer it was such that said ship was below 820 kilomters in 24 hours period,that bet was closed and Mr Botibol with the Faith he could win gave his last breath before sitting down

The Auctioneer shouted loudly gentleman and ladies the captain guessed the distance,We will choose within the range of ten,mayor or minor to see who will get the of the prize

Botibol with that face of satisfaction thought about what he could buy from his wife Ethel´s if he won that prize

The auctioneer

That Night the Winner of that auction takes 7 thousand dollars ,that is what those guests expected to get that night


After all the interview,it was time fot the action,Mr Botibol with fear in his eyes decided to enter that meeting.All mens are cold and his suits reflects their ways of being.Botibol with the appearance of his life,did not move a single tab making himself believe that he is not afraid of anything

The purser

After that very loud scream,William botibol approached Mrs Renshaw looking to calm the tension he was carrying,trying not to think about anything else,he told the lady that if the captain has already chosen the rank for that night,that night was something of a surprise

Mrs Renshaw

William Botibol

A Swim