Kategoriak: All - engagement - environmental - projects - leadership

arabera Kelli Wilcocks 2 years ago


Acting Today Shaping Tomorrow

Efforts are being made to enhance student engagement by encouraging active participation in environmental projects and fostering connections between schools and their surrounding communities.

Acting Today Shaping Tomorrow

Acting Today Shaping Tomorrow

Environmental Leadership

Increase the capacity of system leaders to implement evidence-based environmental education programming, practices, and operations.
Enhance the integration of environmentally responsible practices into the management of resources, operations, and facilities.

Schools Encourage staff participation in boards PD opportunities Manage resources in an environmentally responsible way

School Boards Implement practices that conserve the environment Environmentally responsible purchasing practices

Ministry Research and promote effective school greening models Frameworks and models for responsible operations Partnerships with other Ministries

Increase the extent to which environmental education is integrated into school board policies, procedures, and strategic plans.

Schools Align with school board's policies Environmentally responsible management practices Encourage mentoring opportunities Sharing of staff expertise and knowledge

School Boards Develop or revise policies regarding Environmental issues Committee to implement the process Embed environment as part of the board's strategic plan Promote environmental practices with all stakeholders

Ministry Embed EE Policies into: Recognition Programs Ontario Leadership Framework

Student Engagement and Community Connections

Increase student engagement by fostering active participation in environmental projects and building links between schools and communities.
Provide leadership support to enhance student engagement and community involvement.

Schools Work with school councils, community partnerships to promote environmental awareness and practices at the school level Encourage students to complete community service requirements with an environmental issue in the community

School Boards Provide community experience linked programs Encourage parent involvement Share and promote community partnerships

Ministry Develop tools for Principals Collaborate with OCT Careers related to Environment Provide resources

Build student capacity to take action on environmental issues.

Schools Engage student leaders Create action research projects Connections with other schools virtually Provide learning opportunities outdoors Connect with school councils and community partners

School Boards Design and delivery of environmental projects Promoting and sharing of environmental projects Offer out of classroom experiences

Ministry Integrate opportunities throughout the curriculum Promote pedagogical approaches Facilitate sharing of examples across the province

Teaching and Learning

By the end of Grade 12, students will acquire knowledge, skills, and perspectives that foster understanding of their fundamental connections to each other, to the world around them, and to all living things.
Model and teach environmental education through an integrated approach that promotes collaboration in the development of resources and activities.

Schools learning opportunities for students PLC's

School Boards Foster collaboration opportunities for teachers Encourage innovative interdisciplinary programs

Ministry Resources Professional Development Liaise with Faculties of Ed Provide Research

Increase student knowledge and develop skills and perspectives that foster environmental stewardship

Schools Include environmental education in all subject areas, and encourage them to apply their knowledge and skills to environmental issues Develop active citizens

School Boards Implement Revised Curriculum Support staff and students in linking environmental knowledge and related skills and activities to the teachings of diverse communities

Ministry Embed Environmental Concepts into all Curriculum Update Scope and Sequence Link Environmental Policies