Kategoriak: All - empathy - education - reflection - technology

arabera Elizabeth Harlow 8 years ago


Adult Learning Concept Map Assignment

The concept map outlines the framework of transformative learning, particularly focusing on its application in medical education. This approach fosters empathy and knowledge acquisition among providers, aiming for both personal and social transformation.

Adult Learning Concept Map Assignment

Final Paper Concept Map

My Philosophy of Adult Education Process in Medical Education

Role of leader
Assess learning
Help learners to apply learning through provision of experiential opportunities
Enhance learning by providing supplemental information/corrective information to self-discovery learning
Provide an encouraging environment for learning
Role of learner
Give feedback regarding course material
Reflect on what has been experienced and taught (think about life application)
Maintain effort and motivation toward learning process



Encourage empathy with patients
Development of skills needed for life-long learning
Acquisition of knowledge and skills needed to accomplish goals

Transformative Learning

4. Assist in application
3. Encourage meaningful reflection
2. Use technology as able to allow students to have meaningful experiences
1. Aid students as they walk through Mezitrow's process

Limited training for teachers in becoming change agents

Unclear if transformations are permanent

unclear "what is transformed"

Difficult to assess if transformative learning has occured

Allows for development of empathy in providers in addition to knowledge acquisition

Use of technology

Method for change

Social transformation

Relationship to Medical Education
Use of technology as an agent for transformative learning
Mezitrow's process mirrored in educational process
Purpose of medical education is to change people through educational process

Change the way in which learners approach problems

Change the way in which learners approach patients

Basic Principles
Importance of reflection
Sites of learning





Mezitrow - cognitive, rational process



Why we perceive/think/feel/act

how we perform functions of thinking/feeling/acting


What we perceive/think/feel/act upon


Reintegrate new perspective

Build competence

Acquire skills

Plan a course of action

Explore options

Recognition of problem and a way to change

Assess assumptions


Disorienting dilemma

Assessment of alternative perspectives

Critique of previous assumptions

Making meaning through experience
Shaping of people through learning opportunities

Self Directed Learning


Some adult learning is mandated and learners not self-motivated

Not all adults desire to be self-directed



Increases motivation

Allows students to pursue topics of interest

4 Guidelines
4. Use reflective techniques with experiential learning
3. Develop self-directed learning contract
2. Assess student goals from learning process
1. Assess level of learners "self-directedness"

Costa and Kallick Criteria

Self-directed learner attributes:

Self- modifying



Relationship to medical education
Scanning type of SDL in maintenance phase
Voluntary type of SDL project in medical school
Focus on experiential learning (clerkships)
Basic principles
Works best when experiential


Encourage transfomational learning (critical reflection)

Become increasingly self-directed in the learning process

Aspiration to gain knowledge/skills

4 Types of SDL projects

Scanning - Searching for new learning on an ongoing basis

Voluntary - Helps learner to achieve goals

Synergistic - Inspired by opportunity

Induced - Mandated learning

SDL as a Process

Learner is responsible for own learning

Approach to learning

Mediated by opportunities

SDL as personal attribute

Learners have a predisoposition to SDL

Learners are autonomous


SDL is the "hallmark of adult learning"

Learners become increasingly self directed as they mature

6 Step Process

6. Evaluate outcomes

5. Determine and implement learning strategies

4. Identify resources needed for learning

3. Determine goals of learning

2. Determine learning needs

1. Set climate