Kategoriak: All - education - slavery - economy - employment

arabera IA - 06HA 897199 Hillcrest MS 4 months ago



The text discusses various push and pull factors associated with living in America. On the negative side, it highlights significant issues such as high levels of violence, historical and ongoing challenges related to slavery, and the lack of free healthcare.



Start with the Central Topic: Begin by typing the topic of your evaluation in the central topic of the mind map.

This topic should represent the subject you want to analyze.

Facteurs d'attraction

Le education de america est tres bien
America a beacoup d'emplois
America economie est tres bien
America est le strongest country pour le army
tres powerful army

Add Pro Arguments: Type an advantage/pro argument.

Pro arguments are the reasons or factors in favor of your topic.

Raison personnelle

Facteurs de répulsion

Health care ne pas free
Beacoupe de weapons
World's most imprisoned country
Add details
Securité - beaucoup de violence

Add Con Arguments: Type an disavantage/con argument.

Con arguments are the reasons or factors against your topic.

Raison sociales

Beneath each argument, you can further elaborate by adding details or explanations that support your point.