arabera John Hayter 2 years ago
Honelako gehiago
018 Staff are supported to ensure/develop their competency, skill, and confidence in responding to the needs of residents
017 Staff have a forum and voice to help shape service delivery and express concerns/blockers to delivery.
016 A Career Progression Framework is in place which offers genuine learning opps for personal and professional growth/dev.
015 Training and development opportunities for staff are well developed and contribute to...improvement of practice.
007 The organisation has clear equality and diversity policies and procedures; mechanisms to monitor the effectiveness
014 Retention rates are high; skill levels of workforce in all sectors and services are consistently higher than average.
013 Active recruitment attracts the right workforce through, making working in Adult Social Care desirable and rewarding.
011 A learning culture supports...learning and transformation, encourages learn and reflect on their work, celebrate, reward success/development, proactively influence strategy and process change across ASC
010 There is a clear and coherent workforce strategy in place which supports the Adult Social Care vision and direction of travel.
054 Cost and value for money are monitored and evaluated.
041 Links between Performance, Finance and HR activity are understood and used to inform the management of services.
040 The Performance framework links activity to results and outcomes across the service area. Performance information is used to manage activity to deliver outcomes by staff at team level....
039 All staff understand the performance systems and it relates to their own roles and contributions in delivery improved services and outcomes.
038 Performance management and quality measures set clear targets for delivering priorities. This is well developed and used by managers at all levels.
031 The organisation has clear equality and diversity objectives and progress is monitored.
002 Senior managers and elected Members lead in transforming services to achieve better outcomes for people. Agree priorities with their partners, secure resources and develop the workforce.
005 - Principal SW/OT are active participants within the senior leadership management team and lead on the delivery of excellent practice
004 - There are coherent strategic plans which are owned by council members and recognised by staff and partners and clearly communicated with our residents.
055 There is a single quality framework across the ICS (health and social care) to support the delivery of quality provision of care and support.
052 Commissioners are leading the transformation of services and shaping the local economy to deliver personalised services that will meet future needs.
045 There is an agreed vision across the ICS (Integrated Care System) with proposed deliverables which clearly sets out system reform as reflected in the White Paper ‘Working Together’ ....
044 There is shared vision and trusting relationship with partners and providers supported with shared/pooled funding arrangements...
042 Transformation programs drive improvements in outcomes for people, whilst maximizing the use of resourcing.
008 Financial planning shows how resources will be invested and dis-invested to achieve transformation goals.
012 Multi-agency across sector workforce planning is delivering changes to meet future needs and expectations for improved outcomes for all sectors of the local population. Financial planning shows how resources will be invested and dis-invested
006 Innovation is encouraged and Council is not averse to risks calculated to bring benefits to residents who use the services
003 Transformation plans cover the whole service and are set in challenging but achievable timescales.
002 Senior managers and elected Members lead in transforming services to achieve better outcomes for people. They agree resources and develop the capabilities of people in the workforce.
001 People from all communities are engaged in planning with elected Members and senior managers. Elected Members and senior managers have a clear vision...
047 Partners have enabled high levels of expressed, positive experiences from residents who have used safeguarding services and demonstrate improved safeguarding outcomes alongside wider community safety improvements.
046 There is recognised and active leadership from the Independent Chair of the SAB creating a culture of challenge.
024 Public awareness of risks is high and reporting levels reflect appropriate thresholds of concern.
023 Making safeguarding personal is strength-based and residents are empowered and safeguarded from abuse, neglect, and self-harm. There are effective arrangements for making enquiries that ensure the right professionals or agencies are involved and that the proposed action is effective and proportionate and timely.
028 Levels of support for independent living and quality of life are high, varied, and stable. This includes residents from diverse communities.
053 Commissioners work closely with providers, frontline staff to innovate and improve quality to achieve excellent value.
051 Partnership agreements are widely used and improve outcomes to deliver agreed local priorities.
050 Effective commissioning is person-centred and outcome focused, well led, and promotes a sustainable and diverse market; There are mechanisms in place to identify and respond to un-met community needs.
049 Commissioners engage with residents who use services, carers, partners and service providers to help shape the market to improve outcomes and good value.
043 Local Partners and Communities work together to improve outcomes for people.
035 Local services make social, leisure and learning opportunities widely accessible to all. Most are well adapted to meet the diverse needs of people who use services.
034 The contributions of residents who use services and their carers are integral to the way social care is designed and approved with a high prevalence of wide engagement and co-design activities.
048 Residents who use services and their carers are able to commission the support they require.
036 Support, advice, and brokerage for managing DPs, individual or personal budgets are established and available.
037 Embracing digital opportunities is evident whereby technology enabled care, systems, data analytics are linked to improving outcomes for people.
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030 Staff recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice.
027 Preventative approaches are embedded to everyday practice to promote independence and well-being and prevent the deterioration of existing conditions and circumstances by early access to support.
026 Best Practice is supported through a range of up-to-date policies and practice guidance in accordance with legal/policy reqs.
025 Using a strength-based approach, risk is looked at as a positive enabler, not a barrier.
022 ASC and its partners’ approach to safeguarding has an outcome-based focus and meets the reqs of law and guidance.
032 Standards of good practice in promoting equality / diversity and preventing discrim are well established through training and supervision.
029 Strength base supervision is high quality and frequent. There are systems in place to measure the impact of this in relation to personal, professional and practice development.
021 The annual PSW report details all achievements as to the development of SW practice and sets future priorities in raising the standing and quality of SW in ASC
020 There is a clear and active role for PSW in relation to the dev and maintenance of quality frontline social work practice which is supported by the organisation.
019 There is professional culture that focus on promoting independence and wellbeing, supporting independence, choice and personalisation. Help people build aspiration, set own goals, build on strengths, make positive contribution, and live independently.
033 There is an effective QAF in place, which measures quality and outcomes in a range of areas covering both delivery of service and quality of care provision. The QAF informs the learning and dev plan.