Kategoriak: All - agriculture - relationships - trade - social

arabera Benjamin Taylor 10 years ago


ben's chapter 2-3 assamight

The document examines the impact of European imperialism on land, wildlife, and indigenous populations in Canada. It highlights the strained relationships between the British and First Nations, marked by conflicts and the displacement of indigenous peoples to make way for agriculture.

ben's chapter 2-3 assamight

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My social studies chapter 3 project.


LOL cool midomo

imperialism effects.

When the Europeans came they took over farm land, and hunted lots of game.So much so much so that lots of animals almost became extinct.
Also they minded lots of gold and soon they ran out.

European impact.

The impact that they had was that they destroyed any culture that the FN had and forced them to the catholic religion
In the coming of the Europeans allot of FN died of there diseases.

Not only did they die of diseases but also decisions that the Europeans made.

French social structure

The colony was Governed by the Intendant and the sovereign council.
The New France colony was also reliant on the monarch

The church played and important role helping people who can't help themself.

Brithish relationships with the FN

3. Started wars against the British and amoungst them self.
2.Saw the FN as obsticals to there agriculture and pushed them off the land.
1.Did not participate in any FN trade and avoided trade routs.
The British did not get along with the FN and the British:

French collonies

New france's flag.
New France was the main focal point of France and a lot of work was put into it.

New france developed a great relationship with FN and traded regularly.

There were trading posts and settlements in Acadia.

one of these posts was call Qubec

The Mi'kma's social structure compared to the Europeans.

On the bottom of the social structure is the everyday people like the farmers and the hunters,ect these people had some influence on the elders but not much.
Next is the elders they had quite a bit of influence on the Council of elders because they chose the saqamaw who would represent the clan on the council of elders.

Now we have the saqamaw who is chosen by the elder and represent there clan in the council of elders.

Finally there is the council of elders they were a group of respected people and leaders who made the BIG decisions for the mi'kma.

imperialism in canada

There are some other establishments like Quebec and Port Royal that were essential to the fur trade.
And the last colony was called the 13 colonies.
The 13 colonies was owned by the British.

The 13 colonies was a colony that relayed on farming to survive

The 13 colonies did not trade with the FN and saw them as obsticals.

Another colony was called new France
New France was controlled by well... France
ANOTHER colony was called Rupert's land
There is not very many people in Rupert's land back then due to it being cold.

Alltho it was very cold Rupert's land was a good tradeing post

One of the colonies in Canada was Acadia.
Acadia was the first colony in canada

both France and Britain fought for Acadia but eventually the French won

French relationships with FN

there were some minor interactions like trade with Mik'ma in Quebec
The first interaction with FN was in New France
The french saw the FN as friends and grew together in co-existence.
New France was friendly with the First Nations and traded regualrly

British collonies

The British governor played a role in the settlement of america (13 colonies) in that he commanded army's and everyone in the 13 colonies and attempted to KILL off the FN to make room for farming.
The governor also sent buildings to be made made the large decisions for the colony and collected taxes.
Another colony was called the 13 Colonies
13 colonies flag
The 13 Colonies was well know because it is the present day U.S.A

The 13 Colonies was focused on farming and Rarely made contact.

One of the colonies was called Rupert's land.
rupert's land flag
Rupert's land is around the Hudson bay area and was owed by Prince Rupert.

British social structure.

The British was still connected to the monarch even in the NEW WORLD...
The Governor would govern the colony under the queen's orders.

ALso the church and clergy played an important role in build hospitals and churches and tending to orphans and the sick