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arabera Booking Hotel 2 years ago


Benvenuto al Cervia Village

Il Cervia Village offre una varietà di servizi che lo rendono ideale per famiglie e viaggiatori. La struttura dispone di un ristorante con opzioni sia interne che esterne, permettendo agli ospiti di scegliere l'

Benvenuto al Cervia Village

Vantaggi principali

Instagram's grid has all the posts arranged in three rows and many lines.

You can set up a personal layout to have a pleasant look.

Add a check icon next to the one you choose to follow

Spiaggia di proprietà con birra alla spina

Sala ristorante sia interna che esterna

The Border Theme/ Layout

You can add white or black borders to your images to obtain this effect. You can choose either a square border or apply it only on the sides.

Camere uniche tutte diverse per soddisfare ogni esigenza

The Rainbow Theme/ Layout

This is one of the hardest themes to create because it requires a lot of work when it comes to content creation.

To achieve a rainbow theme you must have a minimum of 1 line with all the posts of the same color, and the following ones must change in a gradient way when you scroll down.

Piscina + Mega Scivolo + splash Park

The Tiles Theme/ Layout

Alternate between two types of content, for example:

Piscina graduale Davanti alla piscina c'è lo splash park, puoi rilassarti in piscina mentre i bimbi giocano con gli spruzzi d'acqua

Tutto recintato quindi sicuro per i piccoli, solo cancelli parcheggio aperti.

The Row Theme/ Layout

Each of the 3 lines of the grid can have a different type of content. For example:

Posizione super, 3 minuti dalla spiaggia e 5 dal centro, Viale Roma centrale ma tranquillo

The Line Theme/ Layout

Each line of your feed contains a set of 3 posts (pictures or videos) with the same setup, or a common pattern.

Benvenuto al Cervia Village

Hello Guest!

Before you start planning your content, start with setting up up some important aspects you should take into account every time you post.

Ristorante Possibilità di scegliere se mangiare dentro senza AC, dentro con AC oppure fuori in giardino (molto apprezzato da chi ha cani)

Add another important aspect.


What types of content do you want to share with your audience?

Camere normali

How much would you like this content type to weigh?


Perché siete un villaggio? Per la formula e perchè la struttura è formata da Corpo Principale e 2 Ale esterne, al centro di tutto c'è il cuore pulsante del Villaggio con piscina, area lettini, palco animazione, gonfiabili e Play Sport Arena.

Set a specific style for your Instagram profile.

All great Instagram feed ideas have one thing in common: consistent themes and edit style (filters/presets).

Your style is composed of some elements you should think about and write them down.

Hotel Principale

The way you edit your posts is crucial and you should pick a consistent style and stick to it.

You can either choose a specific preset you apply to all pictures, or you can create your own edit style. For example, all your posts will be:

Ala Roma
Ala Trevi