Kategoriak: All - database - visualization - nucleic - proteins

arabera farah syuhada 11 years ago



The Nucleic Acid Research Database (NAR DATABASE) offers a comprehensive resource for researchers, featuring a wide array of web-accessible databases that provide carefully curated data unavailable elsewhere.


Nucleic Acid Research Database (NAR DATABASE)

Criteria for selection of NAR Database

Consists a semi-automated procedure which had set in motion and author had devised.
Consideration of so-called ‘boutique’ databases, covering relatively narrow topics
Data werehouses, portals, cross-platform search tools and visualization tools
Web-accessible databases that offer carefully curated data that are not available elsewhere
Extention with convenient search tools with easy to use visualization
The database has a large utility to scientific community
Wide scope and annually updated database
Free access database

Types of Databases Used and Why It Is Useful

Database that consisit of protein families, domains and functional sites proteins can be applied to new protein sequences.
Database that consist of proteins sequences and analysis.
Database of enzyme information system representing one of the most comprehensive enzyme repositories
SWISS-MODEL Repository
a database of annotated 3-dimensional comparative proteins structure model generated by automated homology-modelling pipeline Swiss-model
Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOPe)
Contains proteins structural domains based on similarities of structures and amino acid sequences
Comprehensive description of proteins structural, proteins folds, superfamilies and families statistics.
Protein Data Bank (PDB)
Database that contains biomolecular structure and protein domain ( structural data of macromolecules)
3-Dimensional structural data of large biological molecules
NCBI Protein database
Sequences collections, contains proteins translation from annotated coding regions where has ability to determine bioogical structure and functions.
Resources of protein sequences and contain large amount of biological functional information of proteins.

Number available

Description of database resources
US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institutes (JGI)
European Bioinfomatics Institute (EBI)
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
The 21st annual Nucleic Acid Research Database issue include 185 articles
Updated descriptions of 23 database that had been previously describe in other journal
Updates of 100 database previously featured in NAR
58 new molecular biology databases
1552 online database sorted into 14 categories and 41 subcategories

Major grouping

Cell Biology
NCBI Bookshelf
Immunological Database
The Immune Epitope Database (IEDB)
Plant Database
Other plants


General plant databases

PPDB: Plant Proteomics Database

Organelle Database
Mitochondrial genes and proteins

HmtDB - Human Mitochondrial DataBase

Other molecular Database
Molecular probes and primers

Human OligoGenome Resource

Drugs and drug design

BSD - Biodegradative Strain Database

Microarray Data and Other Gene Expression Database
Stanford Microarray Database
Proteomic Database
Open Proteomics Database
Human Gene and Disease
Cancer gene databases

Network of Cancer Genes

General polymorphism databases

IPD - Immuno Polymorphism Database

General human genetics databases


Human and Other Veterbrate Genome
Human ORFs

Human Proteinpedia

Human genome databases, maps and viewers

The UCSC Genome Browser database

Metabolic and Signalling Pathway
Signalling pathways

UCSD-Nature Signaling Gateway Molecule Pages

Protein-protein interactions

DDIB - Database of Domain Interactions and Binding

Metabolic pathways

KEGG - Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes

Enzymes and enzyme nomenclature


Genomic Database
Invertebrate genome databases

WorfDB - Worm ORF Database

General genomics databases

GtRDB - Genomic tRNA Database

Taxonomy and identification

NCBI Taxonomy

Genome annotation terms, ontologies and nomenclature

UniProtKB - Gene Ontology Annotation


Structure Database
Protein structure

DisProt - Database of Protein Disorder

Nucleic acid structure

NCIR - Non-Canonical Interactions in RNA


CSS - Carbohydrate Structure Suite

Protein Database
Databases of individual protein families

RPG - Ribosomal Protein Gene database

Protein domain databases; protein classification

3DSwap: Database of Proteins involved in 3D domain Swapping

Protein sequence motifs and active sites

ASC - Active Sequence Collection

Protein localization and targeting

eSLDB - eukaryotic Subcellular Localization database

Protein properties


General sequence databases


RNA Sequence Database
European rRNA database
Nucleotide Sequence Database
Coding and non-coding DNA

EID: Exon-Intron Database

International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration

MICdb - Database of Prokaryotic Microsatellites