Kategoriak: All - interdependence - materials - resources - equipment

arabera Santos Sean 2 years ago


By: Sean & James Hanes Masks 😷

The production and distribution of masks by a company like Hanes involves a complex interplay of various resources and personnel. Human resources are vital, with employees engaged in researching market demand, developing advertisements, transporting goods, and selling products.

By: Sean & James Hanes Masks 😷

By: Sean & James Hanes Masks 😷


3 Economic Resources
Human Resources

Human Resources Masks are used

People outside of the company

Consumers to buy the masks

People within the company

Factory workers

Workers that research society's demand for masks

Workers to develop advertisement

Cashiers at company locations

Truck drivers/workers to transport masks

Capital Resources

Capital Resources Hanes Masks use

Financial support

Money to pay for maintenance

Money to pay company workers

Money to pay bills, Ex. electricity, water, phone bills, rent, etc.

Government funding to maintain the business itself

Research of the severity of society's demands for masks

Buildings/physical amenities

Farms to harvest materials

Trucks to transport masks

Stores to sell masks

Factories to produce masks

Warehouses to store/organize the transportation of masks

Natural Resources

Materials like: Earth, Water, Air, Mining, Agricultural, Forestry, Oil, Gas

Natural Resources Masks are used

Factories making fabric (specifically polypropylene)

(Polypropylene Beads, Spun into thread to make into material)

Cotton farms to make fabric

(Cotton Farm)

Materials to build necessary factories