Literacy Buru mapak - Galeria publikoa

Arakatu mundu osoko Mindomoko erabiltzaileek sortutako literacy buru-mapen bilduma publiko zabala. Hemen, literacy rekin lotutako diagrama publiko guztiak aurki ditzakezu. Adibide hauek ikus ditzakezu inspirazio pixka bat lortzeko. Diagrama batzuek kopiatzeko eta editatzeko eskubidea ere ematen dizute. Malgutasun horri esker, buru-mapa hauek txantiloi gisa erabil ditzakezu, denbora aurrezteko eta zure lanerako abiapuntu sendo bat emanez. Galeria honetan zure eskemekin lagundu dezakezu publiko egiten dituzunean, eta beste erabiltzaile batzuen inspirazio iturri izan zaitezke eta hemen agertu zaitezke.

Media Literacy
Judy Cruise

Media Literacy

by Judy Cruise

The Age of Enlightenment
Arnaout Alissar

The Age of Enlightenment

by Arnaout Alissar

What is literacy?
Emma Vaisman

What is literacy?

by Emma Vaisman

Media Fluency
Meagan Hicks

Media Fluency

by Meagan Hicks

What's Out There? Resources to support the work of K-12 Classroom Educators in Ontario (OERB, vLe, OSAPAC, Edugains/Edusource) August 2015
Joe Russo

What's Out There? Resources to support the work of K-12 Classroom Educators in Ontario (OERB, vLe, OSAPAC, Edugains/Edusource) August 2015

by Joe Russo

Augustan Age
Diego Tarantola

Augustan Age

by Diego Tarantola

Fruit and Vegetables
Debbie Sedley

Fruit and Vegetables

by Debbie Sedley

Graphic Narrative
David Gee

Graphic Narrative

by David Gee

Second language socialization as sociocultural theory
Ma. Camila Barragán Pantoja

Second language socialization as sociocultural theory

by Ma. Camila Barragán Pantoja

Social Studies Mind Map
Brian Tate

Social Studies Mind Map

by Brian Tate

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship!
Kristin Dattoo

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship!

by Kristin Dattoo

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship
Zef Shkambi

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

by Zef Shkambi

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship
Hibah Rehman

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

by Hibah Rehman

Assessment and Evaluation and Digital Literacy
Brenda Schepper

Assessment and Evaluation and Digital Literacy

by Brenda Schepper

Civil Rights Milestones
Kevin Tripp

Civil Rights Milestones

by Kevin Tripp

Tiffany Langbein


by Tiffany Langbein

Mo Willems
Clare Gilmore

Mo Willems

by Clare Gilmore

The Unquiet Library 2011-12
Buffy Hamilton

The Unquiet Library 2011-12

by Buffy Hamilton

4 A's Text-Based Protocol
Casey Rawson

4 A's Text-Based Protocol

by Casey Rawson

Teaching 21st Century Learners
ruby day

Teaching 21st Century Learners

by ruby day

Content Based Instruction
and Literature
Nathalie Coello

Content Based Instruction and Literature

by Nathalie Coello

digital literacy
Nook Bradford

digital literacy

by Nook Bradford

Nine Elements
Daniel Lionti

Nine Elements

by Daniel Lionti

mLearning Logic Model
Audrey Antee

mLearning Logic Model

by Audrey Antee

Mindmap LCummings
Leticia Cummings

Mindmap LCummings

by Leticia Cummings

Mapping concepts related to culturally relevant pedagogy, funds of knowledge and literacy identity.
Neadra De Costa

Mapping concepts related to culturally relevant pedagogy, funds of knowledge and literacy identity.

by Neadra De Costa

Educational Leadership with an Emphasis in Technology
Krista Hansen

Educational Leadership with an Emphasis in Technology

by Krista Hansen

Multilingual Classroom
Michelle Gallant

Multilingual Classroom

by Michelle Gallant

Vera Nicimpaye


by Vera Nicimpaye

CSC 101 Knowledge Base - Roger
Akam Akam

CSC 101 Knowledge Base - Roger

by Akam Akam

Graphic Organizer
Caroline Seta

Graphic Organizer

by Caroline Seta

Teacher Learning
Amy Vujaklija

Teacher Learning

by Amy Vujaklija

Parcipatory Culture
Sue Harmon-King

Parcipatory Culture

by Sue Harmon-King

Modelled and Shared Reading
Janel Grace

Modelled and Shared Reading

by Janel Grace

NIL Semester Test Prep
Kirsten Pringle

NIL Semester Test Prep

by Kirsten Pringle

Teaching in the Digital Age
Rodrigo Antonio Guerrero Segura

Teaching in the Digital Age

by Rodrigo Antonio Guerrero Segura
Hudson Dean

by Hudson Dean

Chapter 9 MindMap ~Phoebe07
Phoebe Grace

Chapter 9 MindMap ~Phoebe07

by Phoebe Grace

physical literacy
makayla balfour

physical literacy

by makayla balfour

Children's Literacy Development
Bethlyn Prentice

Children's Literacy Development

by Bethlyn Prentice

Concept Map_Sloan Walker
sloan walker

Concept Map_Sloan Walker

by sloan walker

Gayle Coldwell


by Gayle Coldwell

Story Summary
Camélia Gherib

Story Summary

by Camélia Gherib

Tenth Grade Social Science Curriculum
Marc Donez

Tenth Grade Social Science Curriculum

by Marc Donez

Dual Language
Teacher Nurgat

Dual Language

by Teacher Nurgat

Funds of Knowledge
Colin Pierce

Funds of Knowledge

by Colin Pierce

The Future(s) of Ed
E. Alana James

The Future(s) of Ed

by E. Alana James

My Virtual Library
joan williams

My Virtual Library

by joan williams

Best Practices /  IL plan
Michael Wood

Best Practices / IL plan

by Michael Wood

Lori Gallagher


by Lori Gallagher

Literacy Facilitator
Katelyn Carter

Literacy Facilitator

by Katelyn Carter

US History Mindmap_2013_09_04_v_2
Rachel Eyestone

US History Mindmap_2013_09_04_v_2

by Rachel Eyestone

Section 20 Collaboration Questions
Liz Sikes

Section 20 Collaboration Questions

by Liz Sikes

Mr. McGoldrick's Concept Map
Mike McGoldrick

Mr. McGoldrick's Concept Map

by Mike McGoldrick

Human Resources
Amay Sathyan

Human Resources

by Amay Sathyan

Let's Talk 2.0
Delilah Troia

Let's Talk 2.0

by Delilah Troia

Vision for AAS
Diane Holloway

Vision for AAS

by Diane Holloway

The Deaf and Language
Dinda RW

The Deaf and Language

by Dinda RW

Building a Learning Commons A Guide for School Administrators and learning Leadership Teams: A Whole School Approach
Ms Tipler

Building a Learning Commons A Guide for School Administrators and learning Leadership Teams: A Whole School Approach

by Ms Tipler




FALL 12th
Ben Shapiro

FALL 12th

by Ben Shapiro

Four Literacy
J2.19 Lim Sheng Yong

Four Literacy Components

by J2.19 Lim Sheng Yong

Science Action Plan
Steven Wojnarski

Science Action Plan

by Steven Wojnarski

Planning for Self-Directed Learning 5 McCallum

Planning for Self-Directed Learning 5 McCallum


Train web
Bobbi Chapman

Train web

by Bobbi Chapman

Reading Response #1
Terry Ford

Reading Response #1

by Terry Ford

Adult Education in Arkansas
Annie Palmer

Adult Education in Arkansas

by Annie Palmer

Teacher Librarian as Literacy Facilitator
Anne Suter

Teacher Librarian as Literacy Facilitator

by Anne Suter

Literature Circles
Dory Soledada

Literature Circles

by Dory Soledada

My thinking About Literacy and Collaboration
Sean McGaughey

My thinking About Literacy and Collaboration

by Sean McGaughey

Barriers to E-Learning (final version)
Toby Philpott

Barriers to E-Learning (final version)

by Toby Philpott

Quality of Life
Issaac Molnar

Quality of Life

by Issaac Molnar

Navigating New Media Literacy
Dustin Bush

Navigating New Media Literacy

by Dustin Bush

A Library Program that supports Literacy
Jason Monck

A Library Program that supports Literacy

by Jason Monck

Katrina Carbone
Katrina Carbone

Katrina Carbone she/her

by Katrina Carbone

The curriculum

The curriculum


Stalin's Social Imapct

Stalin's Social Imapct


Stage 2: Afghanistan
Meredith Walker

Stage 2: Afghanistan

by Meredith Walker

Adult Education in Arkansas
Annie Palmer

Adult Education in Arkansas

by Annie Palmer

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation - Barrie
Bea Meglio

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation - Barrie

by Bea Meglio

World War 2 
and the Holocaust
Carlos Ruiz

World War 2 and the Holocaust

by Carlos Ruiz

Information and Digital Literacy
monica fusich

Information and Digital Literacy

by monica fusich

Critical Digital Literacy
Demitri Jaatinen

Critical Digital Literacy

by Demitri Jaatinen

Multimodal literacy

Multimodal literacy


Nine Elements Of Digital Citizenship
Shababa Asad

Nine Elements Of Digital Citizenship

by Shababa Asad

alex suazo


by alex suazo

Strategies - get some
Kieran Devanney

Strategies - get some

by Kieran Devanney

wilbert rivera


by wilbert rivera

Information Literacy
Kewalin promkaew

Information Literacy

by Kewalin promkaew

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation--Thunder Bay
Bea Meglio

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation--Thunder Bay

by Bea Meglio

Computational Modelling in Mathematics and Science Education (Summarize assignment
Christopher Howland

Computational Modelling in Mathematics and Science Education (Summarize assignment

by Christopher Howland

Literacy Development 
Tram Do Skalinski
Tram Do Skalinski

Literacy Development Tram Do Skalinski

by Tram Do Skalinski

Merritt M


by Merritt M

Grade 1 Student
Shannon Morgan [Staff]

Grade 1 Student

by Shannon Morgan [Staff]

My Virtual School Library
Samantha Eyman

My Virtual School Library

by Samantha Eyman

Tree organigram
Caroline Pannone

Tree organigram

by Caroline Pannone

LEARNING IN THE DIGITAL AGE: how are the ways in which we learn changing with the use of technologies?
Lizbeth Sailema

LEARNING IN THE DIGITAL AGE: how are the ways in which we learn changing with the use of technologies?

by Lizbeth Sailema

L1 to Benefit Dual Language
Claudia Han

L1 to Benefit Dual Language

by Claudia Han

Dual Language Yiqiao Mo
Yiqiao Mo

Dual Language Yiqiao Mo

by Yiqiao Mo

Many Roles of the Teacher Librarian
Samantha Eyman

Many Roles of the Teacher Librarian

by Samantha Eyman