Physics Buru mapak - Galeria publikoa

Arakatu mundu osoko Mindomoko erabiltzaileek sortutako physics buru-mapen bilduma publiko zabala. Hemen, physics rekin lotutako diagrama publiko guztiak aurki ditzakezu. Adibide hauek ikus ditzakezu inspirazio pixka bat lortzeko. Diagrama batzuek kopiatzeko eta editatzeko eskubidea ere ematen dizute. Malgutasun horri esker, buru-mapa hauek txantiloi gisa erabil ditzakezu, denbora aurrezteko eta zure lanerako abiapuntu sendo bat emanez. Galeria honetan zure eskemekin lagundu dezakezu publiko egiten dituzunean, eta beste erabiltzaile batzuen inspirazio iturri izan zaitezke eta hemen agertu zaitezke.

A Truly Beautiful Mind
Omair Mohamed

A Truly Beautiful Mind

by Omair Mohamed

Economics And It's Branches of Science
Vincent Felisilda

Economics And It's Branches of Science

by Vincent Felisilda

IGCSE Physics test
Phil Saunders

IGCSE Physics test

by Phil Saunders

Particle Mind Map
Phillip Hamnett

Particle Mind Map

by Phillip Hamnett

gigi moawad


by gigi moawad

Galileo Galilei 1564-1642
Deenah mohamed

Galileo Galilei 1564-1642

by Deenah mohamed

Tim Pillinger


by Tim Pillinger

WTF Engine
Sean Micklethwaite

WTF Engine

by Sean Micklethwaite

8.4 Moving About
peter hill

8.4 Moving About

by peter hill

Claremont Colleges Library: Keck Science Map
School Admin

Claremont Colleges Library: Keck Science Map

by School Admin

Galileo Galilei 1564-1642
Hassan El-Zein

Galileo Galilei 1564-1642

by Hassan El-Zein

Francisco Fernández


by Francisco Fernández

Newton's 3 Laws
Leah Fletcher

Newton's 3 Laws

by Leah Fletcher

Andrew Bajana


by Andrew Bajana

Erta Tema    Optics
Optics is a branch of physics that studies the behaviour and properties of light, as well as mirrors, lenses, and how we humans/ our eyes perceive light.
Erta Tema

Erta Tema Optics Optics is a branch of physics that studies the behaviour and properties of light, as well as mirrors, lenses, and how we humans/ our eyes perceive light.

by Erta Tema

Mike Ton


by Mike Ton

Physics Visualizatio
Tim Pillinger

Physics Visualizatio

by Tim Pillinger

Dominik Lounek


by Dominik Lounek

Akshay K Ramkumar


by Akshay K Ramkumar

The Earth is not the center of the universe
Mohammed Abdelmoneim

The Earth is not the center of the universe

by Mohammed Abdelmoneim

CR370 Assessment Task 1 Josh Snape
Josh Snape

CR370 Assessment Task 1 Josh Snape

by Josh Snape

Grade 11 Expo
Shaughnessy John

Grade 11 Expo

by Shaughnessy John

Phylogeny of Concepts
Peter Martin

Phylogeny of Concepts

by Peter Martin

Wendy Liu


by Wendy Liu

Oxford University
Алина Алексеевна Копылова

Oxford University

by Алина Алексеевна Копылова

The very famous scientist Galileo (1564-1642)
Noha Marei

The very famous scientist Galileo (1564-1642)

by Noha Marei

New Map
Xia Tian

New Map

by Xia Tian

Galilio(1564-1642) gehad
gigi moawad

Galilio(1564-1642) gehad

by gigi moawad

1st year Science November 2018
Mick Moriarty

1st year Science November 2018

by Mick Moriarty

Night of No Limits
Kristin Fox

Night of No Limits

by Kristin Fox

Mazharul Mahe


by Mazharul Mahe

Physics EE
Ishikawa Sei

Physics EE

by Ishikawa Sei

physics final
Caleb Hawbaker

physics final

by Caleb Hawbaker

Description of natural sciences
Karina Tacuri

Description of natural sciences

by Karina Tacuri

fleur linsen


by fleur linsen

Nancy Salem Galileo
Nancy Salem

Nancy Salem Galileo

by Nancy Salem

Branches of technology
Barrios Rodriguez Maria Camila

Branches of technology

by Barrios Rodriguez Maria Camila

Physics Career
Ali A

Physics Career

by Ali A

Kohli Saanvi


by Kohli Saanvi

Grade 11 and 12 Physics
trapin nav

Grade 11 and 12 Physics

by trapin nav

Physics Teaching
Valentina Bologna

Physics Teaching

by Valentina Bologna

Fabric of the Cosmos Chapter 6
Gerald Wood

Fabric of the Cosmos Chapter 6

by Gerald Wood

Robert’s Physics Mind Map
Robert Moscaritolo

Robert’s Physics Mind Map

by Robert Moscaritolo

Sinusoidal and Periodic Functions
Johnson Marisa

Sinusoidal and Periodic Functions

by Johnson Marisa