Kategoriak: All - immigration - mobility - languages - rights

arabera Abdulkadir Hassan Hamidoi Hassan 2 years ago


Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Elections Canada is focusing on enhancing services for First Nations communities following issues encountered in the 2021 elections. Under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, English and French hold equal status as official languages, ensuring individuals can use either language in governmental and parliamentary dealings.

Charter of Rights 
and Freedoms


Canadians flee Ukraine after Russian president Putin declares war

Language protest movement might become new Quebec political party

Elections Canada wants to improve services for First Nations after 2021 mishaps

Government invokes Emergencies Act for first time due Trucker protests.

caregivers of Black identifying students started council to address systemic racism

Protests for Ukraine held across Canada on Sunday

Canada's Official Languages Act is facing a major overhaul

Ivan henry was wrongfully convicted of 10 counts of sexual assault

Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Minority Language Educational Rights

Definition Parents belonging to an official language minority have the right to have their children receive primary and secondary school instruction in that language in that province.
Media A group of English-speaking Quebecers fighting language overhauls to the charter of rights and freedoms, by the provincial and federal governments is considering creating a new provincial political party.
How I Get To Use It I have French speaking cousins who moved to Toronto from Montreal, their parents have the right to administer them in a French primary and secondary school.

Mobility Rights

Definition Canadian citizens have the right to enter, remain in, and leave Canada. Canadian citizens and permanent residents have the right to live and seek work anywhere in Canada. Governments in Canada can't discriminate you because you used to live or currently live in.
Media Canadians flee Ukraine and try to find passage back to Canada after Russian President Vladimir Putin defied international pressure and launched a wide-ranging attack on Ukraine.
How I would Use it Once I receive a job and finish studying I'm planning to live in Ottawa and work there and I can not be denied work or property there only because I lived in Mississauga.

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

How I use it Although everyone living in Canada has the freedom of speech if a hate crime was targeted against me I would contact law enforcement as although who ever was preforming the hate crime has freedom of speech its not justifiable by the law to carry out hate crimes.
Definition The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms for everyone as long as its justifiable and under the reasonable limits of the law.
Media Although the emergency act was invoked on Feb ,14 it did not override any part of the charter. The fundamental rights and freedoms of protestors were not affected.

Equality Rights

Media An all Black parent council was created to highlight systemic racism and create ways to avoid it at Waterloo region schools. The council was created after a racial incident occurred where police was called on a 4 y old.
How I would use it When I apply for a part time job soon as I am a 15 y old, If I was rejected only due to my race or ethnic background I would file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. as this is a violation of my equality rights.
Definition Everyone is treated with the same respect, dignity, consideration and be treated the same under the law, regardless of personal characteristics such as race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, or mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, residency, marital status or citizenship.

Official Language Rights

How I would Use It If my parents were to enter was to enter to a Service Ontario to renew a missing health card in Quebec, where I was this summer. It's their right to receive service in English.
Media The bill focuses on preserving the French language, in Quebec and in the other provinces and territories. the Commissioner of Official Languages would be given ability to "impose administrative monetary penalties" on federally-regulated businesses. Moreover, Canada's Francophone Immigration Policy would update, the goal is to up the number of French-speaking immigrants outside of Quebec.
Definition English and French are the official languages of the Canada and have the same privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and government of Canada. The Charter establishes that everyone has the right to use English or French in any debates, other proceedings, communicate with and receive services, use English or French in any pleading or court process of Parliament or government institutions and records and journals of Parliament must be printed and published in both languages.

Democratic Rights

How I Would Use It My cousins who are over 18, my aunts, and my uncles all practice their democratic right as a citizen and vote every 4 years. My family will also practice this right once they receive their citizen ships.
Media First Nations faced issues voting in 2021, Elections Canada says they will improve voting for First nations to avoid last years mishaps. Such as hiring translators to work at polling stations, increasing the number of polling stations, engaging with Indigenous communities on an ongoing basis, instead of reaching out just a few weeks before a campaign begins.
Definition Every citizen 18 or over has the right to vote in elections and to run for office. The government cannot hold power for an unlimited amount of time they have to call an election every five years.

Legal Rights

How I would use it If law enforcement were to ever ask to enter my property and search, I would not let them in without a search warrant provided by the court. Moreover, if I'm ignored my family will bring a civil suit to the courts as entry without a warrant violates my legal rights.
Media Ivan Henry was awarded $8M for wrongful conviction that lead him to spend 27 years in prison. He launched a civil lawsuit against the province in the B.C. Supreme Court after being acquitted in 2010 of 10 sexual assault convictions he was convicted of in 1983.
Definition Legal rights are rights that protect you against being unreasonably searched or arrested with out a warrant or legal reasons, make sure you are treated fairly in the justice system, protect you against unreasonable laws, protect your rights after arrest i.e. be told quickly of the offence you are charged with. Moreover, protect against cruel and unusual punishment, and provide you with rights in Court.

Fundamental Freedoms

How would I Use It If I found any cuts to the school were costing students clubs or activities, such as in 2017. I would stage a walk out with other classmates to express our feelings to the school board.
Media Citizens held demonstration to show of solidarity with Ukraine on Sunday. They protested the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Definition Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: freedom of conscience and religion; freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication, freedom of peaceful assembly, and freedom of association.