arabera HM - 10MD 1003177 Rick Hansen SS 1 year ago
Honelako gehiago
People have finally started to have kids and form families. This means that they would now have to buy this product for their own children.
People in their 20's are known for partying more and these are the years that people have the most to celebrate (graduating universities, getting new jobs, getting promotions, etc).
Kids have reached high school and parties are a very big thing (sweet sixteens, graduation parties, etc). Everything about the party has to be "different" and cool".
Still are relatively young kids and they are at the age where they want to be "different" and "cool" (chocolate candles are going to appear cooler and different from regular wax candles).
They are very young kids and parents tend to celebrate their birthdays a lot (throw parties). Plus, children tend to love chocolates and sweets, so they would want to get this more than regular candles (the more chocolate the better/extra treat0.