Kategoriak: All - configuration - publication - transition

arabera Karyna Poiedyntseva 2 years ago


Click on the object with s7

The text addresses various technical requirements and configurations related to generating and viewing PDF documents and collateral assets online. It details specific URL structures necessary for accessing these resources, both when the corresponding PDF exists and when it does not, leading to either a PDF Viewer page or a 404 error page.

Click on the object with s7

Click on the object with s7

Check the configuration and locale

Transition is from the Gated resources
PDF Viewer page should be generated with /cc/pdfViewer.html?+resource&parentPage×tamp=1659518941437&isGated=true in url Example: /cc/pdfViewer.html?resource=/content/hpe/country/us/en/resources/regression/gated/pdf/dam-pp-aem&parentPage=/us/en/regression/components/polaris/topic-page-template/featured-resource/gated_featured_resource×tamp=1659518941437&isGated=true
us/en+configured suffix (s7:a00067853:ese)
PDF viewer or collateral page (according to the logic above) According to the logic, the author may not specify the loc suffix, since the system itself finds a document that matches the locale, but if we need to install a specific document (for example, a Spanish document for the American locale), then we can add a suffix and it will be displayed in the url Example: /cc/collaterals/collateral.a00067853ese.BCR-Notice.html?rpv=cpf&parentPage=/us/en/regression/components/polaris/generic-page-v3/scene7
All locales+СTA/card/inline link etc
Which has a later publication date?


PDF Viewer page should be generated with cc/collaterals/collateral.s7id+suffix.title.html?rpv=cpf&ParentPage in url Example: /cc/collaterals/collateral.a50002191enw.ESG-Showcase-3A-Key-Considerations-for-Enabling-Remote-Work-and-Recovery-Plans-with-VDI.html?rpv=cpf&parentPage=/us/en/regression/pdf-to-html-automation


Corresponding PDF doesn't exist

404 error page

Corresponding PDF exists

PDF Viewer page should be generated with cc/collaterals/collateral.s7id.title.html?rpv=cpf&ParentPage in url Example: /cc/collaterals/collateral.a50002764.Reinvent-the-way-you-work-the-future-of-work-is-hybrid-infographic.html?rpv=cpf&parentPage=/us/en/regression/pdf-to-html-automation

Collateral Asset page should be generated cc/collaterals/collateral.s7id.title.html?rpv=any_symbols in url Example: /cc/collaterals/collateral.4aa4-7141.Data-and-Analytics-Training-from-HPE-brochure.html?rpv=1632737945521