Kategoriak: All - islam - revelation - information - experience

arabera Syed Aqil 8 years ago


Concept Of Knowldege

The concept of knowledge is deeply rooted in the Islamic tradition, emphasizing its importance through multiple facets. Distinguishing between information and knowledge, the former being easily shared and understood facts, while the latter is derived from experience or education and encompasses a deeper theoretical or practical understanding.

Concept Of Knowldege




Concept Of Knowledge

Knowledge VS Information

Can be shared, much more easily understood by everyone
Information is conveyed either as the content of a message or through direct or indirect observation of some thing.
Facts provided or learned about something or someone
Knowledge is considered to be derived from two sources

ilm huduri


Facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.


To purify their hearts and deeds from blameworthy traits
To achieve the peace of both worlds
To know your Lord properly
To practice and to gain the consent of Allah (swt)
To distinguish between right and wrong

meaning of knowledge

technical meaning
The obtainment of the ma‘na (meaning) of an object in the soul & its arrival at the meaning. (Al-Attas)
literal meaning: ilm
Basiran: Mental perception
Al-Ma’rifah:knowing by experiment.

Importance of knowledge

Allah has raised the ranks and status of those who have knowledge
Can uplift death heart and provided they lead to Allah and His commands
First revelation to Prophet SAW is the word 'Read'
wealth will disappear but knowledge will remain event after we die
“Acquire knowledge even if it be in China”
Travel to seek knowledge is travelling in road to paradise
Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim
Islam religion based on knowledge

Degree of Knowledge

3. Haqq-ul-yaqeen

You are at the fire in the forest, experience it directly through its real effect such as heat, burning away.

This is from direct experience which all mystics are about, which is the esoteric teachings of all religion is about.

Certainty gained through experience

2. Ayn-ul-yaqeen

You come close to the forest and see the glow of fire with your own eyes.

The reality of it is still a distant reality, the duality still exists.

The vision of certainty


You are told - there is a fire in the forest. You only hear it from others

The messenger is the reliable source who take us to the certainty of the message and more than that, the Source of message.

To attain this degree, its important that the source be reliable and trust or faith be established

The knowledge of certainty

Knowledge is certainty.Knowledge is inside human soul. Every outside of mind is object,data,things.

Adab and Knowledge Acquisition

Al Ghazali :‘Bidayatul Hidayah‘
To be the first to greet and offer salutation of peace
Not to form a bad opinion of the teacher
Not to ask teacher questions on the way to his home until he reaches there [and grants permission]
To stand while teacher is standing [out of respect]
Not to burden him [with questions] when he is tired
Not to look around, but rather to sit with good manners
Not to whisper to another student in his gathering
Not to point out something contrary to his teacher opinion, thinking himself is smarter
Not to say, in contradiction to what the teacher has said
Not to ask questions without first seeking permission
Not to speak unless asked something by the teacher
Not to speak too much in presence of teacher