Kategoriak: All - youtube - struggles - camera - research

arabera toby walker 2 years ago


Critical Question 4 new

In completing a project, various online tools and hardware played essential roles. WeTransfer proved invaluable for sending large files that email couldn't handle, streamlining collaboration.

Critical Question 4 new

Critical Question 4

I have used Canva a lot throughout this project, and has been used for a lot of my blogs. I found Canva as something that I enjoyed using as I got to be creative in my designs.
I think all of my research which I have done has been though google. It has provided information for a lot of my blogs. One example is theorists, another example is my target audience blogs.
Blogger was my most used website, everything that I've done on this project has been put onto my blog. I think I have become very skilled in this website, and it shows a good demonstration of the project.


Youtube- I used Youtube a lot for my project. One of the first things I did on this course was create a Youtube account to upload videos, whether its a video of me making a mind map, or my final project. But I didn't just use Youtube for this. I used it for research as well. It provided large amounts of help when I was under time pressure, and was extremely helpful and effective in my project.
My struggles with online- Although I overcame a lot of obstacles, I did find some aspects extremely hard to deal with. At the start of my project I really struggled with my ideas for blogs, which affected everything. It made planning for the future extremely hard. I overcame this naturally, I decided to do more and more research which eventually paid off as I overcame this issue; ideassuddenley started to appear and I started to plan for the future. This relates to the online section because I struggled with using a lot of apps as well, For example, Canva; although I can use it now I really struggled at the start.
WeTransfer- I found that for a lot of my files they were to large to send over normal email, which is where WeTransfer came into play. WeTransfer made sending files to my group so much easier and enabled me to do much more in this course. I used WeTransfer quite a lot and it proved to be very effective and useful in the project.


Davinci Resolve- due to issues accessing premiere pro with illness as we can only access it at school, I decided to edit the second and third draft in Davinci Resolve. I found this software hard to use at first, but as I started to use it more it became easier and easier. I watched tutorials on how to use certain features like effects.
Prezi- For a lot of my research I used Prezi to convey my thoughts and ideas. I revisited my old prezis in which help me to remember key ideas that I may have had.
IMovie- I didn't really use iMovie much throughout the project, but it still played an important role. I used IMovie to practice on at the start of the course so I could move onto a more advanced software for the project.
Premiere Pro- Premiere Pro is the main editing software in which I completed part of this project. It was really complicated to understand at first, but I started to watch videos and started to research about the software so I could more easily navigate through the software.


Microphone- throughout this project we used a microphone as an attachment to our camera to make sure the audio was the best quality we were able to make it. I learned quickly and efficitneley how to attach and remove the microphone quickly to the camers.
Laptop/ Computer- I used the computer a lot throughout this project, because I was in charge of the visual editing, I used Premiere Pro on the computer.
Tripod- The tripod was very important in our project, and helped to steady the camera for a shot. We used the camera a lot. Although I wasn't really in charge of filming (more editing), I know that the tripod was really important in our filming.
Camera- Before this project I had not ever really used a camera much, and I have to admit at the start I really struggled with this part of the project. However, I started to research and apply new skills to the camera, quickly I started to become much more confident with the camera. I used a Nikon D3500. I watched lots of videos to become better using the camera.