arabera Thaer Al-aghawat 6 years ago
Honelako gehiago
Should be flexible and adaptable to different users (individuals vs. groups)
Consultative (with individuals or groups)
Autocratic versus Democratic
Heuristic versus Analytic
Keirsey Temperament Theory
True Colors (Birkman),
give different emphasis, time allotment, and priority to each steps
follow different steps/sequence
values and beliefs
cognitive response
perceive a problem
Implementation: putting a recommended solution to work
Change management?
Solution to a problem = Change
Additional activities
Goal seeking
What-if analysis
Sensitivity analysis
Search approaches
Blind search (truly random search)
Heuristics (rule of thumb)
Algorithms (step-by-step procedures)
Analytic techniques (solving with a formula)
Solving the model versus solving the problem!
Includes the search, evaluation, and recommendation of an appropriate solution to the model
The boundary between the design and choice is often unclear (partially overlapping phases)
Generate alternatives while performing evaluations
The actual decision and the commitment to follow a certain course of action are made here
Heuristic models (= suboptimization)
Help reach a good enough solution faster
Suboptimization may also help relax unrealistic assumptions in models
Often, it is not feasible to optimize realistic (size/complexity) problems
the chosen alternative is the best of only a subset of possible alternatives
Normative models (= optimization)
Assumptions of rational decision makers
Decision makers have an order or preference that enables them to rank the desirability of all consequences
For a decision-making situation, all alternative courses of action and consequences are known
Humans are economic beings whose objective is to maximize the attainment of goals
the chosen alternative is demonstrably the best of all possible alternatives
Selection of a Principle of Choice
Criterion is not a constraint
Choosing and validating against
Optimize versus satisfice
High-risk versus low-risk
In a model, it is the result variable
Reflection of decision-making objective(s)
It is a criterion that describes the acceptability of a solution approach
Outcome of intelligence phase:
A Formal Problem Statement
Problem Ownership
Problem Decomposition
Often solving the simpler subproblems may help in solving a complex problem
Information/data can improve the structuredness of a problem situation
Problem Classification
Classification of problems according to the degree of structuredness
Help: Computer support, GSS, …
Consensus is often difficult to reach
Different styles, backgrounds, expectations
Conflicting objectives
Web is source and a destination for it
Reinforce learning and training
Evaluation of many alternatives
Inclusion of risk/uncertainty
Cost of making mistakes on experiments
Lower cost of analysis on models
Compression of time
Ease of manipulation
Mathematical (quantitative) models
Mental Models
Analog models
Iconic models (scale models)
a user interface
business performance management
business analytics
a data warehouse
Inclusion of AI and Data/Text Mining capabilities; Web-based Portals/Dashboards
- OLAP, dynamic, multidimensional, ad-hoc reporting -> coining of the term “BI”
Executive Information Systems (EIS)
MIS reporting - static/periodic reports
10- Negotiator
9- Resource allocator
8- Disturbance handler
7- Entrepreneur
6- Spokesperson
5- Disseminator
4- Monitor
3- Liaison
2- Leader
1- Figurehead
Organizational knowledge base
Model base management system (MBMS)
Can be connected to a data warehouse
Database management system (DBMS)
Includes the database that contains the data
9- Technology. Better data storage and retrieval, models, algorithms, statistical or graphical capabilities, or computer interaction
8- Information. Better information quality, information availability, or information presentation
7- Strategy. A fundamentally different operational strategy for the work system
6- Environment. Better methods for incorporating concerns from the surrounding environment
5- Infrastructure. More effective use of shared infrastructure, which might lead to improvements
4- Customers. Better ways to involve customers in the decision process and to obtain greater clarity about their needs
3- Product and services. Better ways to evaluate potential decisions
2- Participants. Better training, better skills, higher levels of commitment, or better real-time or delayed feedback
1- Business process. Variations in the process rationale, sequence of steps, or methods used for performing particular steps
Work system: a system in which human participants and/or machines perform a business process, using information, technology, and other resources, to produce products and/or services for internal or external customers
Decision support systems couple the intellectual resources of individuals with the capabilities of the computer to improve the quality of decisions. It is a computer-based support system for management decision makers who deal with semistructured problems
Interactive computer-based systems, which help decision makers utilize data and models to solve unstructured problems
Operational control
Management control (tactical planning)
Strategic planning (top-level, long-range)
Highly unstructured
Highly structured