Kategoriak: All - administrative - authority - enforcement - communication

arabera JOHN LORBIS 3 years ago



The document focuses on recommendations and management responses regarding the administrative and operational functions of the Winnipeg Parking Authority (WPA). It suggests that the WPA should permanently oversee the screening, adjudication, and collections functions of by-law enforcement.



4. Provide a recommended action plan for CAO and Senior Management consideration on transferring the Parks By-law to CBES and the Streets By-law to WPA.

RECOMMENDATION 11 We recommend that the Chief Administrative Officer evaluate the opportunity to reassign the responsibility of enforcing the Parks by-law under the Community By-Law Enforcement Services Division and the Streets by-law under the Winnipeg Parking Authority.   Consideration should be given to assessing enforcement areas on a continual basis to determine if further realignments are needed to improve services overall and to ensure the City is in the best position to meet by-law enforcement goals and objectives.
MANAGEMENT RESPONSE Prior to the working group work being initiated to develop a draft corporate  strategy and administrative directive, the Chief Administrative Officer will set up a meeting between the Public Works department, the Winnipeg Parking Authority, Community By-Law Enforcement Services Branch, and the Legal Services Department, to review this recommendation and to identify if there are any barriers, including financial or human resourcing, and impacts to implementing this recommendation. Provided there are no significant barriers to accomplishing this recommendation, meeting participants will identify and bring forward a plan with respect to implementing this recommendation.

3. Submit Administrative Report to the Winnipeg Parking Authority's Operating Charter and make permanent that the MBEA Administration be under their authority

RECOMMENDATION 10 We recommend that the Chief Administrative Officer implement a communication strategy targeted at educating the public on changes to the by-law enforcement screening, adjudication and collection process. The communication should include information on the authority awarded to the Winnipeg Parking Authority, changes to the Operating Charter, if approved by Council and re-branding information.
MANAGEMENT RESPONSE Corporate Communications will be directed to develop and implement the most appropriate communications strategy.
RECOMMENDATION 9 We recommend that the Chief Administrative Officer pursue re-branding efforts and amendments to the Winnipeg Parking Authority’s Operating Charter. This should be done in consultation with the Legal Services Department and with final approval from Council.
MANAGEMENT RESPONSE The report being prepared for Council submission as outlined under the recommendation that the screening, adjudication and collections functions of all by-law enforcement remain under the authority of the Winnipeg Parking Authority, will include re-branding efforts. Corporate communications will identify the most effective re-branding approach. Consideration will be given to re-branding the Winnipeg Parking Authority to better reflect the additional new service lines from the Municipal By-Law Enforcement Act (MBEA)/Provincial Offences Act (POA) and Vehicle for Hire By-Law.
RECOMMENDATION 8 We recommend to the Chief Administrative Officer that the screening, adjudication and collections functions of all by-law enforcement remain under the authority of the Winnipeg Parking Authority.
MANAGEMENT RESPONSE The Chief Administrative Officer will direct the Winnipeg Parking Authority to prepare and submit a report to Council that includes  updates to their Operating Charter to reflect  the permanency of the screening, adjudication and collections functions of all by-law enforcement under their authority. The Legal Services department will be consulted on the changes to the Operating Charter.

2. Develop and communicate out a corporate enforcement directive.

RECOMMENDATION 7 We recommend that the Chief Administrative Officer establish and formally document a process for reporting, review and monitoring of performance results.
MANAGEMENT RESPONSE The corporate and department/Special Operating Agency specific performance metrics will be published annually in the Community Trends and Performance Report. Internally it will be recommended to the working group to consider quarterly review of performance metrics, so that any deviation from goals and objectives can be corrected throughout the year and ensure greater success of the overall strategy.
RECOMMENDATION 6 We recommend that the Chief Administrative Officer: a) Define measurable performance targets and indicators that can be used to measure achievement of objectives. b) Track and analyze performance measurement data to assess how each enforcement area is performing against its objectives, goals and targets.
MANAGEMENT RESPONSE Each department and Special Operating Agency representative on the working group developing the strategy will be required to define, track and analyze performance measures/KPIs specific to their  objectives and goals. Departments and Special Operating Agencies who already track by-law enforcement related performance metrics will present those to the working group as examples of what type of metrics can help to ensure an effective by-law enforcement program implementation.   The working group will also identify what performance metrics should be used from a corporate perspective to identify if the overall corporate by-law enforcement approach is meeting its intended goals and objectives.

1. Develop a Corporate Enforcement Strategy (CES)

Type in a project deliverable

For example:

♦ The components of a corporate strategy will include developing overarching policies and procedures and will also include defining overall goals and objectives for enforcement. These goals and objectives should be communicated to each enforcement area to promote a cohesive and unified approach towards enforcement and so that in turn by-law enforcement areas can endeavor to align their goals and objectives to overall corporate goals and objectives. It is important to note that enforcement goals and objectives may differ based on the service area or by-law enforced but should also promote consistency across similar types of service areas.
RECOMMENDATION 2 We recommend that the Chief Administrative Officer communicate the corporate strategy and directive to all departments and their respective by-law enforcement areas.

MANAGEMENT RESPONSE Upon completion of developing a corporate strategy and directive that defines corporate goals and objectives for by-law enforcement, an administrative directive will be circulated to all departments and Special Operating Agencies. The communications plan will be deployed to ensure all required staff understands the change in by-law enforcement approach, how it affects them directly, and expectations to monitor ongoing compliance and success of the new approach.

♦ The objectives and goals would be to measure service performance and not to establish compliance quotas.
RECOMMENDATION 5 We recommend that the Chief Administrative Officer develop and document objectives and goals specific to the by-law enforcement activities of each department. These goals should be in line with, and support overall corporate goals and objectives.

MANAGEMENT RESPONSE Each department and Special Operating Agency representative on the working group developing the strategy will be required to develop and document objectives and goals specific to the by-law enforcement activities of their respective department and Special Operating Agency.

RECOMMENDATION 4 We recommend that the Chief Administrative Officer include key goals and objectives in the corporate by-law enforcement strategy.

MANAGEMENT RESPONSE The corporate by-law enforcement strategy will include key goals and objectives to assess performance of enforcement areas across the City. The goals and objectives will be aligned to expected levels of service relative to the service delivered by the respective departments and Special Operating Agencies. For clarity, the goals and objectives will be specific to the success of the by-law enforcement approach but will not include targets for enforcement related activities such as targets for number of penalty notice/tickets issued.

RECOMMENDATION 3 We recommend that the Chief Administrative Officer establish a process to periodically review and update the City’s corporate strategy and directive for by-law enforcement to ensure it remains appropriate and effective. This periodic review should include an assessment of fine structures and levels for appropriateness and effectiveness in achieving by-law enforcement objectives.

MANAGEMENT RESPONSE The administrative directive for the corporate by-law enforcement strategy will include a timeline for when a review and update of the strategy will take place.

A corporate strategy or directive on by-law enforcement will set the corporate goals and objectives for by-law enforcement and will also establish expectations of enforcement areas in their approach and strategy towards meeting those objectives. This will help unify approaches to enforcement and promote consistency in service delivery efforts.
RECOMMENDATION 1 We recommend that the Chief Administrative Officer develop a corporate strategy and directive that defines corporate goals and objectives for by-law enforcement, that establishes a base level of expectations on how enforcement is to be carried out, and that promotes a consistent enforcement approach throughout the City. The intent of the goals and objectives is to measure service performance and not to establish compliance quotas.

MANAGEMENT RESPONSE A working group will be initiated to develop a draft corporate strategy and administrative directive for review and approval of the Chief Administrative Officer. The draft strategy and administrative directive will be completed and approved for implementation within one year. A communication plan will also accompany the strategy that outlines key messages and delivery mechanisms on how the by-law enforcement change will be communicated to affected staff within departments and Special Operating Agencies.