Kategoriak: All - profitability - costs - data - prediction

arabera Fransisca Abiarsi 3 years ago


Dynamics Control Design Process

The provided text encompasses various themes related to dynamics control, data science tools, financial analysis, and decision-making strategies. It discusses the importance of control in dynamics and financial design, highlighting methods to optimize pressure and costs, and the use of linear models for prediction.

Dynamics Control Design Process

Dynamics Control Design Process

Find out how much money you need to start a business with a break-even analysis.

It will help you determine when your business will become profitable.

Automated Planning Tools for Intelligent Decision Making


Use this formula to find the break-even point.

Fixed Costs / (Average Price – Variable Costs) = Break-Even Point

Break-Event Point

The break-even point is the level of production at which the costs of production equal the revenues for a product.

Fixed Costs / (Average Price – Variable Costs) = Break-Even Point

Prediction Funtion

What is the break-even point?

Variable Costs

Variable costs are costs that change as the quantity of the good or service that a business produces changes. Variable costs are the sum of marginal costs over all units produced.

Normalizations Control

What are the variable costs?

Average Price

To calculate the average purchase price of your shares you have to divide the total amount invested by the total number of shares bought.

Pressure Optimizing

What is the average price?

Linear Model

Fixed expenses or costs are those that do not fluctuate with changes in production level or sales volume.

They include such expenses as rent, insurance, dues and subscriptions, equipment leases, payments on loans, depreciation, management salaries, and advertising.

Segment Cutting

What are the fixed costs?

Support System

Tools for Scientific Software Development and Data Science

GPU cloud
CPU cloud
Get more out of your data: FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability).
Get more out of your code: Computational Reproducibility
Advanced (continuous integration, pull request)
Version Control with Git
Show off your examples with Jupyter notebook
The command line interface (shells: MacOS(zsh), Linux(bash), Windows(Power Shell))


Analyze the data

The Break-even analysis helps you analyze the data.

Improve sales

To improve the sales in your business, focus on the customers, and shift to increasing sales performance.

Action The Market

How can you improve sales?

Choose from the ideas below or add others.

Focus on the existing customersLearn about competitorsInnovation and unique productsCultivate valueBuild a customer service approachCustomer relationsPromotionMarketingProvide credible products
Reduce the variable costs per unit

Variable cost per unit is the production cost for each unit produced that is affected by changes in a firm's output or activity level.

Unlike fixed costs, these costs vary when production levels increase or decrease.

Financial Control Design Style

How can you reduce the variable costs per unit?

Reduce overall fixed costs

The success of a business rests on its ability to adjust and adapt to improve earnings.

Examples of fixed costs:

Quality Financial Design

How can you reduce your overall fixed costs?

Price a product or service

The Break-even analysis helps you price a product or service.

Dynamics Control Software

Do some research and find competitor's prices.

Then try to establish your prices.


What are the competitor's prices?

Determine profitability

The Break-even analysis helps you determine profitability.

Profit vs. loss

The profit and loss (P&L) statement is a financial statement that summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specified period, usually a fiscal quarter or year.

Stabilization Determine

Which products or services turn a profit and which ones are sold at a loss?

Generated revenue

Revenue generation is one of the most important activities any business can engage in.

It is defined as a process by which a company plans how to market and sell its products or services, in order to generate income.

Object Option Decision

How much revenue do you need to generate to cover all your expenses?