arabera DELIA LAYMITO 3 years ago
Honelako gehiago
by ambaly romero
by veronica areli ramos vargas
by Maike Weiss
Type in the name of the novel and movie you are going to compare and contrast.
Example: Great Expectations.
· Andrada, A., Parselis, M. (2005). E-learning y educación superior : una mirada desde el aprendizaje colaborativo, la interdependencia de saberes y la gestión del conocimiento [en línea], Boletín del Instituto de Comunicación Social, Periodismo y Publicidad, 8. Disponible en:
· Chevarría Arrieta, Z. (18 de enero de 2021). El futuro de la educación superior y el e-learning desde la perspectiva de la gestión universitaria. Scientia et Praxis: Un blog sobre investigación científica y sus aplicaciones.
· Mego Pérez, Nibeli. E-LEARNING. Conceptos, Importancia de la enseñanza E-learning, Ventajas y desventajas, principales herramientas de la enseñanza E-learning, principales aplicaciones. Tesis Para optar al Título Profesional de Licenciado en Educación. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN Enrique Guzmán y Valle. Res. N° 0726-2019-D-FAC
· Cordie, L., y Lin, X. (2018). The e-revolution in higher education: E-learning and e-leaders. Journal of Leadership Studies, 12(3), 76-79.
· Salinas, J.(2004). Innovación docente y uso de las TIC en la enseñanza universitaria. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento . Vol.1 - Nº1
Restate your thesis while avoiding repetition.
Restate the differences between the book and the movie.
Restate the similarities between the novel and the movie, but try to avoid repetition (this will help if you write an essay afterward).
Use point-by-point organization in the body section to present the characteristics briefly stated in the thesis.
This means that if you use this draft to write a compare and contrast paper, each characteristic will be introduced in a separate paragraph.
How is the movie different from the novel?
Type in a short explanation. Use 'like', 'same as' or 'similar' for comparison, and 'unlike', 'differ from' and 'although' for contrasting.
Cordie, L., y Lin, X. (2018). The e-revolution in higher education: E-learning and e-leaders. Journal of Leadership Studies, 12(3), 76-79.
How is the novel different from the movie?
Type in the answer. Use 'like', 'same as' or 'similar' for comparison, and 'unlike', 'differ from' and 'although' for contrasting.
The introduction provides background information for both the book and the movie.
Mego Pérez, Nibeli. E-LEARNING. Conceptos, Importancia de la enseñanza E-learning, Ventajas y desventajas, principales herramientas de la enseñanza E-learning, principales aplicaciones. Tesis Para optar al Título Profesional de Licenciado en Educación. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN Enrique Guzmán y Valle. Res. N° 0726-2019-D-FAC
Create a thesis statement in which you briefly compare and contrast the book and the movie.
Which are the similarities between the book and the movie?
Type them in. Example: Great Expectations the book and the movie have very similar plots.
Referencia bibliografica: Avello, R. y Duart, J. (2016). “Nuevas tendencias de aprendizaje colaborativo en e-learning. Claves para su implementación efectiva” [material de estudio]. Recuperado de
Type in the name of the main character.
This has to be the same for both the book and the movie.
Movie setting
Is the action in the movie set in the same place?
Where is it set? Example: The action in Great Expectations (1946) by David Lean has the same setting as in the book.
forma colaborativa
In the book, where does the action take place?
Example: The action in Great Expectations the book takes place in 19th century England, London and Kent.