Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Teach that we should learn one thing at a time rather than teaching one subject after another
We are to teach our children the first truths of the gospel to help them understand their purpose. We do this by examples and through our teachings in the home
Try to understand the students by having one on one time with them during quiet time
Make sure that every student is participating with each other with group projects
Give the students opportunity to serve one another by holding service projects
allow children to have the opportunity to share good things by compliments
When teaching from home, we must teach that mistakes can happen, and we will have an opportunity to fix our mistakes
Continously work with children who are struggling with a subject
1. What is the role of school in society?
Horace Mann
School is the great equalizer
Common school: school for every child from any financial family (poor class, middle class, rich class)
Christ Loved all people. He taught all people of all financial ranges. For instance, he taught among harlots, and people with great sicknesses. All people should be taught
St. Matthew 28: 19-20 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."
believed everyone should have an education and shouldn't pay for it
School is to help children become and adult
Father of Common School
Bring Kids that have been caught inside of a cave and help them escape from it.
Create the next educated generation
To create workers or to prepare them to make a lot of money
I believe it is important for students to learn traits that will help them in their future job, but when a teacher teaches, they should provide answers on how to keep their process of education in an opportunistic light
8 essential Questions
8. Who am I and what motivates me?
The Plan of salvation
Everyone will have the chance to be judged and everyone is placed on this earth to learn. If we give people the opportunity to learn in this life, they will be able to carry it into the next world and grow from it.
I am a woman with a lot of world experience who has the potential to teach children good morals and teach well needed life skills
I am a Child of God
Christ taught that everyone is a son or daughter of God. That is who I am and that is what motivates me to be a good person, teacher and friend
Resubmit/try again/repentance
2. What is the role of learning and teaching in the home?
Family home evening
Part of the plan of salvation is to come to this world to learn as much as we can. As we learn about the world around us, we can grow in upon our knowledge in the next world.
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Every child including your own should have the opportunity to have good education. It is up to the parents to teach principles, and to teach the gospel to their children.
D&C 31:2 - " I will bless you and your family, yea, your little ones; and the day cometh that they will believe and know the truth and be one with you in my church."
Teaches Love, Patience, trail, and helps you to learn how to teach
Articles of faith 1,2,3
line upon line
Christ taught through his service, through miracles and through his efforts in teaching freely. We can't do miracles, but we can teach freely and righteously.
No child left behind
Yellow - wrestling with a concept
Disagreements - Red
Truth - Green
Master Teacher - Dark Blue
Applications - Orange
Purple - Principle
Pink - Doctrine
Practice patience with the students by understanding what they are learning and how the student learns best
Children need more than books and lectures to learn. Children, especially young children, learn best through hands on learning and through testing different theories out on their own. Books should be used as a supporter, not the main way to educate the children
Student Success
5. How do I learn?
Continuous Search and Study
Christ asked all of his children to continuously learn and to apply what you have learned
Similar to the Gardener and Painter: It requires patience and continuous work
Christ taught that the atonement allows us to repent. If I make a mistake in life through my experiences, I can repent and come unto Christ
7. What is worth teaching?
I am a person who really emphasizes learning with experience and by hands on activities rather than lecturing the students. The traditional philosophies I agree with most is that of pragmatism and neo-thomism. It is important for students to know who they are and who they have the potential to become. I plan on doing this by practicing patience, but also have a great understanding that they are children of God.
Through revelation of God in Doctrine and Covenants 42:12, we are told that " teachers of this church shall teach the principles of my gospel, which are in the Bible and the Book of Mormon, in the which is the fulness of the gospel." Although we are not allowed to teach teachings of our church, we can still teach doctrines and principles to our children.
Art projects with opportunity to start over
Children of God
Have a special handshake with each child
Create clay pottery and Bowls
Grow a seed or a bean to understand growth
Provide learning opportunities outside of school
Plan of Salvation
6. What is my work as learner and teacher?
Although I think it is a great thing for students to be the ones to determine their education there are some issues that can be developed if we are not careful
The only authority for a student's learning should be the student
If children learn only what they want to learn, then the student will be successful in life
It's better to play than learn
I am a Progressivist
Classroom environment: Emphasize citizenship, democratic, community centered, collaborative
Role of the teacher: I am to be a facilitator, director of learning, collaborative partner, and a research director
In the curriculum I will follow, I will make sure that the classroom encourages :
Integrative units
Problem solving
Critical thinking
the Project method
Cooperative learning
Student centered
Experience centered
I am a Pragmatist!!
I believe that participation and experience is the best way to learn. I believe that by keeping children active, they are learning in their best environment and are able to learn how to use their teachings in class in the real world.
Metaphysics, Epistemology , Axiology, Logic
Logic: Seek truth and think
Axiology: Teaching values
Epistemology: How we teach
Metaphysics: we teach curriculum
Understanding Idealism, Realism and Neo-Thomism:
Neo-Thomism: Abstract/Spiritual -> spirit vs intellectual
Realism: Your mind comes to the world as a blank slate
Idealism: "I think, therefore I am"
4. How do I view and magnify those I teach?
I believe that the best way to learn is by learning through experience and examples
Child of God
Trial and repentance
Characteristics of Pragmatists
Love is one of the most important traits to show when teaching children
"As I have LOVED YOU, Love one another"
ED 202 Concept Map
Common Core
What is Common Core?
It is to raise the achievement levels of students across the country
Common Core is the 4 courses that all students have to take every year in order to graduate. Those 4 classes are math, science, english and social studies.