arabera Frances Tan Phek Sung 7 years ago
Honelako gehiago
in oxygen supply
heart rate and blood pressure
causes high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes
hinders blood flow
plaque builds up in arterties
mental confusion
rapid heart rate
Emphysema treatment
Long term outlook
Quitting smoking
Alternative therapies
Sulfur has been identified as an aid in reducing inflammation and mucus.
Chinese herbs like ginkgo biloba which helps strengthen the lungs
Surgery and rehabilitation
Some people with emphysema may qualify for surgery to reduce lung volume, which helps to decrease symptoms.
Oxygen supplementation
Oral treatments
Oral steroid like prednisone is prescribed to people in addition to using an inhaler.
Medications as inhalants
Bronchodilators are medications that relax the bronchiolar muscles and improve airflow.
Effects on emphysema
People with severe emphysema often need a continuous supply of oxygen through a face mask.
wheezing occurs and breathlessness becomes progressively worse
Lung function deteriorates
It is a condition in which bronchioles collapse, leaving large spaces where surface area for gaseous exchange used to be
Large spaces appear where alveoli have burst
Less oxygen absorbed to blood
Number of capillaries decreases
Reduces surface area for gas exchange
Protein digesting enzyme known as elastase is released
Destroys elastin in the walls of the alveoli (allowing phagocytes to enter and remove bacteria)
Phagocytes line the airways
-accumulation of mucus
difficulty breathing
chest pains
smoker's cough
-cleaning action inhibited
-stimulate goblet cells & mucous glands to secrete more mucous