arabera Maider Jazmín Echanique Mendoza 3 years ago
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If you win the investment or support that you need, where will you start?
Add a risk.
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You will need credible forecasts of profitability and strategic benefits if you are proposing investment in your business.
What is the impact on your strategy of this initiative? How will your strategy change to ensure that you can adapt to whatever this plan brings, whether it is good or not so good? Think about:
Add a strategic point.
¿Dónde debe aparecer el ISSN?
En la página de inicio o menú principal
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En algunos países es obligatorio
Publicaciones periódicas y recursos contínuos
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Even if your plan will eventually be profitable, cashflow limitations could prevent you from getting there. Your cash flow forecast should show that you are in control of this.
Add a key point from the cashflow forecast.
¿Quién debe solicitar los ISBN?
Persona/ entidad que sufraga el coste
El editor del libro
¿Qué tipo de publicación identifica?
Partes individualizadas de libros que se distribuyan por separado
Se asignan a las publicaciones monográficas compuestas de texto
Sirve como un identificador de producto utilizado por editores, libreros, tiendas online
It must be clear to investors what you are asking for, when you need it and when & how it will be repaid - in short, what value they will get for their investment.
Add a sum-up of how this investment will be spent. Include:
Add a summary of how much is required and when.
Describe the vision and the opportunity that the plan is based on.
The investor's question you answer here is Where are you headed, and why?
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Where do you want to be in 5 years?
Where would you like to be in terms of:
al menos 10 citas
Where do you want to be in 12 months? Where would you like to be in terms of:
¿Cómo se calcula?
Ordenando de mayor o menor los artículos científicos según el número de citas
Provide your investors with a clear picture of your business: how it is structured, who owns it, who runs it, and how it is doing so far?
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Add some information about the values and principles of your company.
Although the executive summary appears first in the document, it is easier to complete it last, when you can summarise and prioritize the key points in your plan.
List the benefits that will come from pursuing this opportunity. Include: