Kategoriak: All - energías - recursos - renovables - ingeniería

arabera Camila Cortez 4 years ago


Energías Limpias y Renovables

Las energías limpias y renovables juegan un papel crucial en la sociedad moderna, promoviendo la sostenibilidad medioambiental y socioeconómica. Estas energías no generan residuos y utilizan fuentes naturales e inagotables, lo que ayuda a reducir el impacto ambiental y asegurar un abastecimiento energético constante.

Energías Limpias y Renovables

Energías Limpias y Renovables

Why is it important to plan your year ahead?

Planning ahead for the next year has some highly important benefits: it contributes to your personal and business growth; it helps you set priorities and focus on them; you get to prevent all sorts of risks and get accustomed with change.

En la Ingeniería

A goal refers to an expected outcome that has one or several specific objectives which have to be achieved within a designated time frame. Regarding the time frame, goals can either be long-term goals, or short-term goals. These two basic categories can be further sub-divided:

solving, innovation, or some type of improvement;

Remember that goals should relate to accomplishments (therefore the result), not activities.

Compromiso en sociedad

Minimizar el impacto en la población y en el ambiente

Buscar opciones para resolver retos de sostenibilidad

Utilizar los recursos eficiente y efectivamente

Hacer mas que cumplir la legislación

Aplicar y desempeñar de forma responsable su papel de liderazgo

Construir una sociedad sostenible


Aportes a la ciencia y la tecnología

Resolución de problemas

Buena comunicación

Trabajo en equipo


Enriquecer la cultura y las vidas

En la sociedad

Review your past year

to see what you achieved and what areas you still want to improve. Do you have any regrets?


Medioambiental y socioeconómico

What were last year's mistakes?

Are there any challenges that you didn't manage to cope with? Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in the past year?

Valora costes y beneficios en diferentes campos

Impacto ambiental reducido

Abastecimiento energético

Contrarresta deficiencias estructurales

Abastecimiento interrumpido


Envía señales para conocer la escasez de los recursos

What are your achievements in the past year?

Think of the major events that took place. What are you proud of/excited about?

Favorece mercados eficientes

Could you have done things better?

Think from both personal and professional perspectives. What elements still need improvement? What would you do differently? Type in the answers.

¿Qué son?

What do you have in mind for the following year?

Taking into consideration the year that has just passed, it's time to make new, bigger, bolder plans. Will you change the city/country you are living in? Are there any new skills you are planning to acquire? Are you taking a new career step?

Usa fuentes inagotables
Usa fuentes naturales
No genera residuos