Kategoriak: All - kinesthetic - visual - verbal - logical

arabera Sydney Jensen 6 years ago


Essential Questions

In exploring diverse learning styles, students can enhance their educational experience by engaging multiple modalities. For those who learn kinesthetically, hands-on activities, such as ceramics and painting, are ideal.

Essential Questions


How Do I learn?

PATIENCE: asking questions, asking why things are the way they are and not feeling the questions are stupid or they are not important.
Through examples: show me how it was done, what are different ways I can do this?
Organization-tell me what I will be learning and what is expected of me and what I need to do to be successful

What is worth teaching?

I am an art education major and I can go on and on about how I am so excited to be able to teach others art. As a student that is the one place where I could just express myself and know that I was in charge of what I was going to make. There was not right equation or multiple choice answer, it was just something that you could feel and learn. Art is worth teaching, it is worth helping you learn more about yourself and what helps express yourself and feelings.

What is the role of school in society?

To try your best to succeed and gain as much knowledge as you can during those years
You go to school to learn subjects you will need for future jobs & to be successful in society
Depends on where you are from

Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?

Our school system has had a lot of ups and downs, with equality and other issues. Now it is freedom, and getting the best education for our students that we can provide them.

Essential Questions #1:

What is my work as learner and teacher?

Show what to do, be what you want your students to be
Learn from example

How do I view those who teach?

To never stop learning, gaining experience
Willing to better themselves and others

Who am I and what motivates me?

Doing my best to have the best life for my future family
High Standards & Setting Goals
Gospel & Testinomy
My Future Spouse and Children
My Parents and Family


Why is Christ known as the Master Teacher?

Unconditional love
Unconditional support
Wants you to return to Him
Pray to Him
Trust Him
Have faith in Him

Love Peacemaker Patience Kindness Goodness Gentleness Self-Control Humility Forgiving Fairness Courage Friendship Honesty Dependable Responsibility Generosity Confidence Encouragement Attentiveness Wisdom Compassion Diligence Thoughtfulness Obedience Optimism Communication Endurance Devotion Merciful Guidance



“The Savior is the master teacher. The teaching of Jesus Christ constitutes a treatise on teaching technique surpassed by none. Jesus has been described as a philosopher, an economist, a social reformer, and many other things. But more than these, the Savior was a teacher. If you were to ask, ‘What did Jesus have as an occupation?’ There is only one answer: He was a teacher. It is He who should be our ideal. It is He who is the master teacher.” -President Boyd K. Packer
“We are to feast upon the words of Christ—the scriptures— and, as He did, use them to teach and strengthen others.” —Elder Jay E. Jensen

As a teacher I want to teach my students with this attributes, but also teach them these characteristics. I want to teach them to be kind, obedient, and dependable. I want to teach like Christ did, with love and goodness.

“In the home, the school, or the house of God, there is one teacher whose life overshadows all others. He taught of life and death, of duty and destiny. He lived not to be served, but to serve; not to receive, but to give; not to save his life, but to sacrifice it for others. He described a love more beautiful than lust, a poverty richer than treasure. It was said of this teacher that he taught with authority and not as did the scribes. I speak of the Master Teacher, even Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind." -Thomas S. Monson
Christ is the master teacher. So how can I use all of His attributes in my classroom? While looking up all the qualities Christ has, and how He is as He is teaching I know that I can never be as perfect as He is, but I want to show my students and the people I teach as many as these qualities as I can. I want my students to feel like they matter, that they mean something to me, to be successful and set high goals for themselves.

What Makes A Good Art Teacher? #6

Myself? As I am researching qualities and characteristics for teachers, specifically art I find that a lot of skills is being able to get the student's creative juices flowing. I want to be personable, fun, and happy with my students. I want to be organized and plan lessons that they will enjoy and can learn at the same time. Art is something that helps you express your feelings and I want the students to be comfortable in my classroom so they can do this. Reflecting back on my schooling experience I adored my art teacher. She did an amazing job of gaining the respect of her students, yet still having fun in the classroom.
Qualities (ART TEACHER): 1. They love kids 2. They love art 3. Passionate about teaching 4. Dedication 5. Energetic 6. Creative 7. Organized Planners 8. Advocates for the Arts 9. Collaborators & Communicators 10. Leaders 11. Life-long Learners 12. Artists 13. Inspirational 14. Reflective 15. Enthusiastic 16. Engage their students 17. Care about building relationships 18. Happy, joyful 19. Personable 20. Keep Control
“A passion for teaching is the number one most important thing in art education. This passion makes for positive, professional energy that is contagious to others.”
Requirements: Degree Level Bachelor's degree Degree Field Art education or a degree in art with a teacher certification Experience Internships or volunteer positions may enhance professional prospects Licensure/Certification Vary by state for public schools; private schools and community art programs may not require teachers to be certified. Key Skills Artistic skills including oil painting, watercolor, clay, charcoal; creativity; organizational and time-management skills Salary $54,500 - $57,210 (2015 median range for all kindergarten through high school teachers)
PLAN: Graduate with my bachelor's degree from BYUI Student Teach in Idaho Certification for whatever state I will be teaching in Continue working (right now) as my job as a paraprofessional Gain as many skills as I can

What To Teach? #5

What Does An Art Teacher Teach?
"Art teachers help students develop their artistic skills by cultivating creative expression and fostering an understanding of textures, shapes, and colors. The majority of an art teacher's work entails guiding students through different projects in ceramics, sculpture, painting, drawing, and other areas."

Artistic Skills: There are the basic elements of art. -Line -Color -Shape -Form -Value -Space -Texture

Artistic Skills: There are also the basic principles of art: -Balance -Emphasis -Movement -Proportion -Rhythm -Unity -Variety (artist uses to organize elements within a work of art)

"Creativity means changing your perspective. Being creative means taking risks and ignoring doubt and facing fears. It means breaking with routine and doing something different for the sake of doing something different."

CREATIVITY: You cannot really "Teach" someone creativity, but you can create and help them figure out what they are pattionate about. One thing that I want to follow after my art teacher is letting her older students choose their projects. So many times students are assigned what they have to do, so then they aren't very excited or put much effort into it. If you let students choose what they want to create, and plan it out, there is much more success. They will care about what they are working on, and put in their best skills.


Water Color painting




Glass work



Dream Catchers

Cut and Tie Blankets


Bead Work


Ways to Learn #4

7) Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.
Independent Studies

Create your own lesson plans for what you will be working on, what you want to gain from doing these pieces

6) Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
Group Projects

Feedback/Critiques from other peers

Socialize in class, helping each other

5) Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
Creating buildings, architecture, 3D work, making everything look "perfect" in certain pieces

Point of views

4) Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.

Ceramics, Painting, 3D, 2D

"No student is exclusively one style or another and most utilize a variety of modalities when learning. It is important to expand their abilities to use as many learning styles as possible, helping them to succeed in a world where how one learns often means nothing and only the ability to learn has value."
3) Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
Explaining the art work

Why we are creating this pieces, why it is important?

Have students write about what they created and why they chose to do this certain piece

2) Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.
Playing music while working on projects

Letting students use their headphones

Different kinds of music/different art works

1) Visual (spatial): You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.



Visual Schedules

Examples (Art Pieces that were already finished/in the process of being done)

Christ: Master Teacher #3

I want my students to want to be their best, and work towards their goals and find happiness. During my senior year I had a teacher that was always asking and helping me with future goals and careers that I wanted to move forward in. Her showing me that interest helped me want to become better and have high goals for myself. I want to do this for my students.
Everyone has bad days, everyone is going through something, everyone can't be perfect all the time. Yes, you need to still be willing to work and not have excuses, but sometimes you just need to talk and have one of those days. As a teacher I want to be realistic with this, that not everyday will be a good day for some students. As an art teacher too, especially, because it is a way to express and let out some steam.
"Kill them with Kindness" I feel that kindness goes both ways, and if you are respectful you can gain that respect back. As a student when the teachers treated me with respect I was more willing to listen and support them as teachers. I want to be like this towards my students.

“To the master teacher, the Lord Jesus Christ, whose resurrection we celebrate … I say: I thank thee, oh Lord, for teaching us that there is no greater call than to be an effective teacher,” Elder Ballard

< Link to Master Teacher Video