arabera Whitworth Santos Feliz 9 months ago
Honelako gehiago
Type in the name of your subject.
Add detailed notes about each lecture, so that when the time comes to prepare for exams, you will have an easier and quicker overview.
Profundizar habilidades mecanicas y perfecionar segun la modalidad
Preparar a los estudiantes para la vida laboral y la educacion superior
Profundizar conocimentos en areas especificas
Educacion Fisica
Humanidades y Artes
Ciencias y matematicas
Materias basicas
Orientacion hacia la preparacion para la vida laboral y educacion superior
6o de secundaria
5o de secundaria
4o de secundaria
Add a short description of your homework and any details you need in order to understand and complete the task.
Promover valores y actitudes para una convivencia armonica
Fomentar el pensamiento logico y critico
Deasarrollar competencias basicas en diversas areas del conociminto
Add a list of questions to help you recap your lecture.
Formacion, Integral, Humana Y Religiosa
Educacion fisica
Lenguas Extrangeras: Ingles y frances
Educacion Artistica
Ciencias Naturales
Ciencias Sociales
Lengua Española
Write down if there are things you would like to discuss or clarify with your teacher or colleagues in relation to this topic.
Educacion integral dinamica y formacion general
Add a short description of the lecture.
3o de secuncaria
2o de secundaria
1o de secundaria
Schedule your course ahead. Knowing all the information will make everything easier.
Add the class information for each week.
Review your resource requirements and tick off the devices you will need as well as their availability. Add others, if necessary.
Select as needed:
Type in all the info you would like to know about this subject. If there is something you don't know yet, no problem! You can fill in the blanks along the way.
Write down the attendance policy, to avoid confusion throughout the year.
Se enfoca en la formación de sujetos que se involucran con actitud crítica, sensible y participativa en la producción y recreación de la cultura
Artes Aplicadas
Artes Escénicas
Artes Visuales
Type in the name of your teachers and teacher assistants, plus any details you should know about them.
Se enfoca en propiciar conocimientos tecnicos para el mundo laboral
Bachillerato Tecnico
Duracion de 3 años
Tecnico Basico
Duracion de 2 años
Add details about your course.
Se enfoca en una formacion integral en las areas del saber cientifco y humanidadaes
Ciencias Sociales
Ciencias de la Naturaleza
Lenguas Modernas
Add here all the details about your projects.