Kategoriak: All - skills - careers - values - learning

arabera Ali Faiz 9 years ago


Faiz Ali

The results from the surveys indicate a strong preference for kinesthetic learning, where hands-on experiences are favored over visual and auditory methods. Interpersonal intelligence, which involves effective interaction with others, is highlighted as a key strength.

Faiz Ali

Over here are my personal management skills which are listed in order. My best skill is setting and achieving a goal which I've already set in real life.

Over here are my top 3 essential skills. my number one skill is the computer use because i use the computers on my daily basis. I also like writing and oral communtication but I love the computer use

Over here are the stuff that i think that value the most to me. for me the most important is knowledge because its the major key to success.

These were results I got after doing both the surveys. i agree for both of them. for the learning styles. i got kinesthetic as my main learning skill because i like learning by touching and feeling rather than visual and auditory. my intelligence is also in Interpersonal because my characteristics match it equally.

All these are the results i got under my personality test. i agree with all of these because they all accurately represent me except the color one.

Over here are my personal interest. I like science and math which are part of the "Thinker." Many different working preferences have different working interests.

These over here are some occupations which came as the results what i got before from the who am I booklet. The each of the occupations come from separate working preferences.

The three results that I got were thinker, creator, and organizer. thinker was the main one bauce most of my characteristics are of thinkers and also the job occupations

Faiz Ali


Essential Skills
3. Oral Communication
2. Writing
1. Computer Use
Personal Management Skills
3. Being Resposible
2. Problem Solving
1. Setting And Achieving Goals


Top Three Values:
2. Independance
1. Knowledge

Learning Preferences

Three Intelligence
3. Bodily-Kinesthetic
2. Intrapersonal
1. Interpersonal
Learning Styles
3. Auditory
2. Visual
1. Kinesthetic



I think that I'm an ambivert because I'm neutral between both extravert and introvert. Which means i like to have both social and alone.

Personality Dimensions
2. Orange

I got Orange as my second top colour because im very adventoourous. i beilive this should be my top colour but i got the score of 60 on it.

1. Green

I got green as my top color because I'm very inquiring. this means I'm like most average human. i live for my work. my total score was 65 for it.

Meyer Briggs Results

I got ESFJ because it perfectly describes me. I work hard and play too. everything I do is equal within its limits.

Left/Right Brain

I'm a left brain because I'm organized. I'm also interested in math and science which also makes me a left brain.


Personal Interests
Suggested Careers
Who Am I