Kategoriak: All - negatives - health - taxes - legalization

arabera Karina Villa Diaz 1 year ago


Federal Legalization of Marijuana

The federal legalization of marijuana encompasses several key aspects that affect both public health and the economy. On the health front, marijuana offers significant benefits such as reducing nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients, alleviating chronic pain, and serving as an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.

Federal Legalization of Marijuana

Federal Legalization of Marijuana


Boosts the economy by creating jobs (ProCon, 2023).
Legal Marijuana generated $170.6 million in Oregon in 2022 (Urban Institute, 2023).
Money can go back into the community.
Can be taxed. Legal Marijuana has generated $3.7 billion in taxes for states (Herald News, 2022).
Economy boost at this time of high inflation.

Health Benefits

Reduces nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients (Hall, 2022).
Helps reduce polypharmacy.
Reduces chronic pain (Hall, 2022).
The most common reason medical Marijuana is prescribed is to control chronic pain.
THC relieves muscle spasms (Hall, 2022).
Anxiety reduction (Hall, 2022).
Alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.


Urban Institute. (2023) Cannabis Taxes. https://www.urban.org/policy-centers/cross-center-initiatives/state-and-local-finance-initiative/state-and-local-backgrounders/marijuana-taxes
ProCon.Org (2023, February). Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legal? https://marijuana.procon.org/
Oregon Liquor & Cannabis Commission (2023). Cannabis Tracking System. Oregon. Gov https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/pages/cannabistrackingsystem.aspx
Herald, M. S. (2022, April). Legal marijuana generates $3.7 billion in taxes for states, $178M in Oregon. Herald and News. https://www.heraldandnews.com/news/local_news/legal-marijuana-generates-3-7-billion-in-taxes-for-states-178m-in-oregon/article_dd717976-8438-586a-ade4-698b5c5d01f5.html#:~:text=Richard%20Vogel-,Legal%20marijuana%20generates%20%243.7%20billion%20in,states%2C%20%24178M%20in%20Oregon
Hall, W. (2022, April). The costs and benefits of cannabis control policies. Taylor & Francis Online. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.31887/DCNS.2020.22.3/whall


Increased risk of road crashes (Hall, 2022).
Safer than alcohol.
Research on side effects of Marijuana consumption is incomplete (Hall, 2022).
Long term affects are unknown.
Increase prevalence of daily Marijuana use (Hall, 2022).


Subvert from the illegal marijuana market (ProCon, 2023).
Safer communities.
Oregon has a tracking system to monitor Marijuana sales. CTS for short; Cannabis tracking system (Oregon.Gov, 2023).
Government-enforced laboratory testing (ProCon, 2023).
Will ensure Marijuana is safe and free of contaminants.