Kategoriak: All - fotosíntesis - ecosistema - algas - calidad

arabera Adriana LLanque Chusicomo 3 years ago



Las algas desempeñan un papel crucial en los ecosistemas acuáticos debido a sus diversas funciones ecológicas y servicios ambientales. Actúan como bioindicadores, proporcionando información vital sobre la calidad del agua mediante índices cualitativos y semicuantitativos.



Factores ecologicos en la composicion de las algas

In the second paragraph you should show why you are the perfect fit.


You have the opportunity to express your qualifications for the job in more detail than on your resume.

grado de mineralizacion

No Mineralizado Hipomineralizado Mesomineralizado Hipermineralizado


Oligotrófico: Baja concentración de nutrientes Mesotrófico: Moderada concentración de nutrientes Eutrófico: Alta concentración de nutrientes Distrófica: Aguas ricas en sustancias húmicas



Desarrollo en aguas alcalinas, en pH mayores a 7


pH alrededor de 7, mayor desarrollo encima de 7


pH cercano a 7 desarrollo optimo por debajo de los 7


pH<7, desarrollo optimo por debajo de 5,5



Aguas tibias >30°C


Aguas templadas 15-30°C


Aguas frias de 0 - 15 °C


The third paragraph should prove that you’ll fit in and why the company is the perfect fit for you!

Aspectos negativos de las diatomeas
Pseudo-nitschia multiseries

acido domoico

Algas como indicadoras de la calidad del agua
indices semicuantitativos
indices cualitativos
Caracteristicas de las algas Bioindicadoras
pequeña cantidad de muestra parar tener una nocion de la composicion.
Su taxonomia es relativamente facil
Grupo muy diversificado
Servicios Ecosistémicos o Ambientales.
Productores primarios por excelencia. - Eliminan 40 – 45 % de O2 fotosintético a la atmosfera. - Fijan CO2 principal gas de efecto invernadero. Bioindicadores por excelencia: calidad ambiental, monitoreo (modelización, índices)
Importancia de las algas: como un bien de la biodiversidad.

Show that your experience and knowledge will let you succeed with the project and benefit the company.

1) Agricultura y agropecuaria 2) Alginatos y garrageninas 3) Agar agar 4) Diatomita
Los bienes y servicios ambientales de las algas.

Show that you did your research and know something about the company, perhaps an upcoming project, etc.

-Regulan el régimen gaseoso -Producen del 50 al 80 % de oxigeno -Productores primarios -Bioindicadores
-Piscicultura - Industrial
- Alimenticias - Medicinales -Agropecuarias

Closing Paragraph

The best cover letter ending is by providing value.
Tell the hiring manager that you look forward to meeting them in person and discuss.

Request a meeting or suggest a call




A cover letter is a professional correspondence, so you should always use formal closing!

Closings not to use

Best wishes
Eagerly waiting for a response
Warm regards
Warmest regards
Have a great day
Yours faithfully

Handwrittem signature is optional but recommended
Yours truly, your full name
Sincerely, your full name


The post script is a great hack to draw the hiring manager's attention one last time!

You should use the P.S. to tell something impressive about your career.

Type it in bold text OR italics.
Place the P.S. at the bottom of your cover on the left

Opening Paragraph

The first paragraph will determine if the hiring manager will read on.

Express excitement

Communicate your passion for your work, and your excitement about the job and company.

State an accomplishment

e.g.: Given my x years of experience at a similar position, I would appreciate your consideration for this position.

Mention if someone referred you the position

e.g.: X let me know about the open position and suggested to contact you as they feel I would be a good fit for the position.

Be direct

You should mention the position you are applying for, as the hiring manager can often look for candidates for several job openings.

E.g.: I am writing to express my strong interest in the x position open at x company.

Salutation Do you know the name of the hiring manager?

You should address a cover letter directly to the hiring manager.
The hiring manager will see your greeting first so that makes it one of the most important parts of your cover letter. Also, people are most likely to react to the sight of their own names.

NO: Dear Sales Team Hiring Manager, Dear Hiring Manager, Dear X Company Team,
YES: Dear Joan, Dear Miss Jones, Dear Ms. Doe, Dear Mr. McGregor
Don’t start a cover letter with “Dear Sir or Madam.” or "To Whom It May Concern"

Topic principal


The header of every professional cover letter should include your contact information, employer's contact information.

Your city of residence

It is not obligatory but it makes your cover letter more official.

Your social media accounts

LinkedIn or Twitter only.

Links to your professional websites
Your home address
Your professional title

Optionally you can add

Name of the company to which you are applying
Name of hiring manager and their professional title

To find out the hiring manager's name, do some research on the company.

Email address

You may want to create an email account solely to career search. It should include your first and last name only.

Phone number