Kategoriak: All - morality - loyalty - superstition - bravery

arabera suri wong 11 years ago



The text discusses the moral values conveyed through folktales and the perspectives of interviewees on these values. Key themes include loyalty, righteousness, and patriotism, often highlighted in stories involving local history and traditional settings.




work at the center for Chinese studies of the university of California at Berkeley
first set of interviews in a village near Miaoli second in a village near Tao yuan no.145~151 in Taipei city 101~144 and 158~188 as well
not able to understand the local Hakka dialect, transcribe the tape into written or spoken manderin in some expert help.

Chapter5 The analysis of the tales

other popular hakka tales not found in the typen
we may be able to say that they were either so rare that we did not inlcude them
we cannot say that these new tales do not occur on the mainland, in some cases we are sure that they do exist
but which occur at least 5 times in hakka material

the story which tells why hakka women love to sing love songs is more interesting

either the girl alone or both of them are changed into rocks

self -respect of the hakka and gives the impression that it is a relatively new formulation

the hakka are known to be the most song-loving ethnic group among the han chinese

a young scholar, either the tang poet liu tsung yuan or sung scholar lo yin, proved to be as good in singing as she was

2 of the new stories deal with the origin or characteristics of the hakka

while non-chinese minorities have elaborate and beautiful tales

what we have is usually given in the form of a pseudo-historical report

the report given s a folk tale is in its pride and its use of modernistic words, influenced by a book

compare hakka tales with the tales and jests reported in the typen
add 14 stories and 5 jests which also found in typen ,but not more often than their mainland varients and which are found in the hakka material at least 5 times

a third jest (typen no.s24)

tells of a burglar who hears in the house a man talking to himself, or a couple talking to one another, believes that the talk refers to himself and runs away without stealing

can easily take on an obscene form

two common jokes both deal with the stupid son-in-law whose wife is clever

the popularity of jests of this type was somewhat surprising to me

the popularity among the hakka does not seem to be matched by a similar popularity among the min-nan people of taiwan

and may indicate a more conservative general attitude of the the hakka

but at the present time, even in villages, arranged marriages are the exception

therefore, assume that these stories somewhat went out of fashion

at least they found that their own husband was inferior to the husband of their sisters

young women sometimes found themselves bethrothed to an unloved, stupid husband???????

in the 1920s and 30s that the mainland material was collected, arranged marriages were, at least in rural areas, still relatively common.

in both jests the importance of food is stressed

the secondz( typen s ,6a, j6)est does not give the clever wife an important role, except that she prepares the gifts which her husband is supposed to bring to her

in one (typen s, 6a:5) the wife is afraid he will not behave during the dinner in her father's house

a variant of the tales about the good and the bad man (typen no.29) 5 times

no taboo in discussing farting among Chinese

but that a loud or stinking fart is often the subject of a joke

stress the importance of good moral behavior,especially between brothers

but only a difference in good luck or in age, somtimes the older, sometimes the younger one has a misfortune, as in the variants to the grand aunt tiger story

while in stories in which there is no difference in moral behavior between brothers or sisters ,

usually the older brother who is bad and who is, thererfore, punished,

grand-aunt tiger(10 times) typen no11

had found earlier that this tale is almost universally known among the min-nan people and is one of the most common mainland tales

the 7th fairy (typen no 34)

the popularity among the hakka may be caused by the film

the chinese version of the swan maiden tale


15 hakka stories and jests which are more often reported than one would expect

4 stress values of the family

only 1 extols a value which is not confucian

the poor is destined to become rich by finding a treasure

the belief in fate

not typically confucian

typically confucian virtues

only 1 has no clear moral(zhu ying tai)

of the 26 stories or jests most often reported from the mainland, 15 do not at all appear in the hakka data, and six are rare

except that 2 of the jests were quiet literary and 2 others slightly sexy, and that 2 tales are for certain reasons over-represented in the typen

we could not find an explanation for this lack of so many popular stories,

the difference between the hakka collection and the mainland collection

the tales which are found in hakka material as more often than in the typen can be said to tbe unexpectedly popular among the hakka because the typen contain more than 3000tales

3 jests

the third one come close to typen no201

a father who does not want to spend money on the funeral of his own father but changes his mind when his child intimate they would treat him the same way

a jest

the second variant goes even further in the description of greed

the first one is simple, with only the implicit moral that greed is bad

the monkey divides the sugar

in hakka the main actor is a monkey

even is understood by the illiterates

all from rural

admonition to be harmonious and not to fight

in typen it is told about a teacher

illustrate history by using a cake of student which he eats up as part of his illustration

a more literate one, it presuppose a school in which children learn about chinese history

zhu ying tai (typen no. 212)

her love affair with liang shan bo was the subject of 2 films and several operas and long series of ballads

meng jiangnv(typen no.210)

telling her heroic sacrifice for her husband

this interest comes from a film with the same name which was shown in 1970

belongs with the following story to tales about hidden treasures

the two which we did find among the hakka are rare on the mainland

the other treasure tale

another praise of frugality

the man without money

the central motif seems to be known at least since the 18th century, possibly a thousand years earlier

quite similar to another stories which appreciate frugality but without conflict in it

is a variant of typen no.200

deals again with the tensions between the husband's mother and his wife

hsu men huan

this story was also told by people in taipei who are of min-nan and of hakka origin

in this type the most often mentioned on the mainland mohammedans search for treasures ,does not at all occur in our collection

represented in hakka material as rare as in mainland material

cases of judge pao

seems to intimate that it really happened not too long ago

localize it in a suburb of taipei

the first half is not in the collections of cases of judge pao, which has a parallel to the second half of the story

suspicion that it has a literary source


why is the arse of the monkey red

found in rural as well as in urban areas

more a male story

an animal story similar to the parallel bird stories

the origin of the narcissus

another female story

stories about origin are more liked by woman than by men

women liked stories in which a women play a main role

a fukien story

group of telling about the origin of birds(seem to be female story)

the eagle and the black crane

why can the cat see at night and the cat-head bird only at night?

all from rural respondents

only tell specific characteristics of birds

again a strong moral in it: the good one is rewarded, the bad one punished

the tu-chuan bird

the evil stepmother is blamed

tbe bird is the incarnation of the good, filial boy, her own son

told by all rural

a story about its origin in the classical literature, but it is quite different and is independent of it

about the origin of the cuckoo

husband is bad bird

belonging to typen no.83

filial piety, against the mother of the husband,is a theme harped upon by older women who already are or hope soon to be mother-in-laws

most mentioned by mothers

typically a rural story

is the most common one in our hakka collection and is found in four variants, all of which tell about the origin of birds, mentioned 62 times

the two old men

about the lost axe

rare tale of the type which juxtaposes the good and the bad man, showing that honest man is rewarded, while the dihonest one is punished

grateful animals typenno.16

two versions one is closer to the normal form, the second one more dramatic

the second text

regard as an educational one which tells children that good deeds always will receive a reward

one of the very few show clear elements of modernization

the first text

this story usually has the bee, but other versions from the mainland also tell the same story about an ant

the judge is replaced by the examiner

the good man is about to write his examination papers

the theme of reward for a good deed

all texts come from rural areas, told by more parents than children

cat and dog

fall well into the frame of typenno.13 but has some significanct details

the god of venus occurs often in folk novels and folk plays as a friendly helper'urbanite

the first paragraph underlies a theme which is typical of the hakka: the important of food (father and son)

appeal more to the older generation and more to males than to the younger generation or the females, all but one respondent were rural, it is a rural story

hositility between cat and rat explain why the rat is the first animal of the chinese zodiac

moral:dishonesty will always be punished

found in the villages as well as in the city, much more often mentioned by parents

result is surprising

hakka tales which can be identified as tales in typen, the creation of the universe are least often represented,stories about heros and about helpful animals are found most often

typen no14 , in which a woman is threatened by a monster, but a number of animals console her and help her so that the monster comes to grief, this story is not only widely known in mainland china but also in japan, so that we can surmise that during japanese occupation this story was also introduced to taiwan by japanese children's books.

the jests may be slightly sexy so hakka people might never appreciated, but chapter6 explain they do like these types

in 15 common tales which do not occur in hakka collection we cannt see a common element accounting for this, two tales which may not normally be regarded as tales because only be collected in once specific area of china may explain their absence

the material comes from all parts of china, much is from the area in south china from which the taiwanese hakka emigrated

10 are mentioned 20-29 times

7 do not occur 1 in rare, 2 are common

6 tales are relatively often reported in the typen 30-40 times

3 tales are not mentioned in hakka material at all, 3 are rare

typen contains 10 tales which are mentioned 40 or more times

1 of these most common tales is much more frequent in hakka material than in typen, 2 are relatively common in the hakka material, 2 jests are rare, and 3 tales 2 jests are not reported at all

popular hakka tales from known tale types
fabels filiality stories, anecdotes not originate as folktales but have become folktales in the course of time
myths and legend not mentioned in the
divided the material into tales which refer to the tales in typen chinesischer volksmarchen

Chapter4 extraneous materials unread

chinese do not have a term correspond to folktale,minjiangushi is not clear
got much material which we do not want to include in our analysis, but which still should be mentioned and discussed

other materials

stories about the origin of festivals

folk novels , theatre plays , stories and fables from the literature


tales and other materials of foreign origin

come from school books or other recently translated sources

Chapter3 moral values express by the interviewees

be loyal upright, honest and good 44-52没睇完

righteousness in the meaning of doing one's duty as one is espected to do it


to friends

to state

be a hero and love your country
some tales stress the ethnic feeling: we are hakka:they are proud of this and proud of their own ancestors
history has always been taught in china as a way to guide the individual toward morality.
connect with local history, about mountains, springs, and other local points of interest are completely rural stories, preferred by other men
stories about fights against the japanese colonial rulers were limited to men over 30
patriotism is a male value
treachery is nagative value
courage, bravery in case of danger, sacrifice of life are in all cases praised as positive values

not as often as we would have expected, especially not among young people

honor the god and worship them
unimportant the role of religion and of relitious practices

tendency of chinese to be "down to earth" when talkin and telling stories, in spite of ample proof to the contrary. that stories tell us to stand on reality, they like to tell own experience against empty stories

people are religious but that they do not like religious stories

like stories which are against superstition they against religion
they are good because gods should be honor
analyze statements which seem to spring out of the material

Chapter2 what are good n what are bad stories?

tales about customs and festivals

hardiest other replaced by non chinese stories or books, these are alive

more by villagers

describe the origin of customs and of festivals

educational stories

stories in which a person mentions a line or give a theme to which one ro more other persons have to make another line with the same grammatical structure and parallel meaning.

romantic stories

who like literary or long stories mention on of the classical novel or plays, no true folktales

mention liangshanpo, its origin by now is certainly a folktale, in which the couple was united only after death

mention dream of the red chamber a novel

dislike them because tragedy makes people sad

animal tales

most people saw them in a deeper sense ,she regard animal stories as symbolic and find in them such social values as hard work and a cooperative spirit

animal stories mean animals interact with other animals. but respondents included in this category also all kinds of stories in which animals interact with human beings

earlier research: animal stories are not typical of chinese

which degree are animal stories known and which kind of stories were known

fighting stories

detetive stories


ghost stories

belongs to the more traditional elements in the population, whereupon men like them as much as women dislike them, n younger generation dislikes them much more often than the other generation

more people dislike them

filiality stories(express孝)

23 ex of filiality

specific tales for western feeling is immoral

instill filial piety in children

virture are china's best tradition

show virtues of women, women are the center of the home

one should be a good wife,then one can come to a good end

some extreme stories are not mentioned

stepmother want to eat carp in winter, whereupon the son sits with bare behind on the ice until it is molten and a carp jumps out of the hole

the son is mistreated by stepmother without complains even close to death, father be aware of and want to divorce but the son ask forgive and she is reformed

child by noble behavior rather than revolr can change misbehaving parents

kill the son to feed the grandmother since mother is irreplaceable

chinsese see the piety toward mother, while a westerner's compassion is with the young boy

so more liked by mothers

bout the behavior of son toward their mother

had the book in mind

daughter-in-law problem

womanly values

government launched a campaign for filiality which included the publication of a set of postage stamps, depicting some of the famous twenty four examples of filiality

no yound urbanite mention this kind of story

concertive, typical rural, told by the parents, more by woman than men

historical and patriotic stories( express 忠)

nobody disliked historic stories

they like because the stories remind them of home

the patriotism does not only about their own group, because these stories including those which have no specific relation to hakka

more liked by old generation and by men

quite common in the city

myths and legends

it seems that among hakka people, just like other chinese, don't have a traditon of myths and legends

more popular among parent generation than the young generation

which stories they liked or disliked, which they liked most?
answers were uniformly the same as in the other questions about their own likes


myths legends

which are good for children n y?
whether there are specific stories which are men's or woman's stories ( turkey example shows that men prefer to decamerone type about the sexual adventures of men in the city, whereas women prefer romantic tales
men have their stories and woman as well, but only few women will answer questions.
one say some aspect of lv dong bin , three flirts with miss white peony are for man only
in Taipei singles sample, stories which describe the relation of human with a ghost of the other sex are socially acceptable to discuss some aspects of sex behavior e.g. " the woman and the ghost husband" ," Madame white snake" n "the story of the fox ghost"

woman love Madame white snake highly p24

one said women's stories are told when women pluck tea leaves in the mountains, and they deal with love.
other answers generally said when Hakka tell stories, they are usually all together, there is no separation. it stress the fact that indeed women in Hakka society were freer than women in other communities and were more often together with men
P23 one man who is a store keeper in kuting sample give the best answer, in which he refers man's stories clearly to sexual stories, but not quiet know what kind of stories these women tell.
interest to study where the borderline is
earlier study shows that some sexual tales or jokes could be told in the presence of women, are not uniformly told in an all-men group
men could hardly be kept from telling darling stories
the answer indicates that every family member present
in material500 stories, no obscene one

Chapter1 telling of stories

To whom are stories told?
when telling a story they like, children prefer to tell one they have heard against they have read

they preferred telling these to stories they had told their own children ten or more years ago, in other words, when children are only 2 or 3 year old

parents' stories were influenced by what have read or seen as a theatre play or a film recently


the question about the story they liked most indicate the sources of parents, but children don't mention when they were asked from whom they learned stories
certain relatives are never mentioned as storytellers

the sex of oldster is not indicated.

exact relationship of cousins is not given

nor is the exact character of the grandparent

paternal relatives are much often storytellers than maternal

Stronger in the older generation

reflect the strong paternalistic family structure

grandparents are not very important as storytellers

perhaps migration- factors

low life expectancy in earlier time

asked children from whom they had learned their tales

girls learn equally from male and from female

boys learn more often from male relatives

who is still telling folktales
the majority of our Hakka still tell stories and also know at least one animal tale
the good stories tellers in questionnaires of 1970 and 1972 mostly moved away or died in 1972 or denied that they were

rural interviewers prodded more and found children mentioned more stories than parents

urban interviewers were satisfied as soon as the interviewees had named one or two stories

ask them whether they still told stories to the children.

too busy to waste time on the interview


in ku t'ing sample, most of them live in the city more than four years, are urbanized and have given up storytelling

find a few such men in villages, but they do not often tell stories because of TV in color is typical even in low class family in 1972 children and themselves set in front of TV and enjoy shows.
hard to find a good Hakka stories teller, who knows many folk tales and likes to tell them when asked or when the situation is suitable, known in the community and especially among children



social composition

classification do not clearly indicate social class

the husband or father are indicator of social class



the number of stories in Taipei samples are much lower than in the other samples

(another project is finding Min Nan families in the same district) try to obtain a regular sample in one case, using ku t'ing sample 174 families 16 individuals

rural Hakka (more than half of interviews)

next 50(51-100) 1971

from the village yung ning li near Tao yuan

first 50 families(1-50)

live in a village two kilometers outside the town of Miao-li

urban hakka (less than half of total interviews)/but not a true sample

(145-157) in 1971 individuals,mainly fathers,

who were willing to answer the questions (158-187) in 1972

some families moved away so it consists of those Hakka families in that district which interviewers could find (interviews Nos.101-144) in 1970

find out all families, which was excluded by the min-nan project, with children between the age of 13 and 20 in ku-t'ing district of Taipei city

then make a random selection from the total body

come from six Taiwan Hakka sources

first five are interviews with hakka

in four of these sources, only those respondents were visited who had in the family at least one child between the ages of 13 and 20, grandparents may be interviewed

to study possible differences between generations

methodology and reasons
analysis of personal diaries and letters?
find values of the common man

May differ from the professed Confucian value system

whether folk tales have recently changed between the parent and the child generations

see whether folktales are one way to get at his values

the values above will be compared with Chinese values

feels that Chinese tend to give answers which are expected rather than their individual attitudes and values i.e., Confucian

feels that these values and attitudes is colored too much by the educated and upper-class people's so-called Chinese values


asking storytellers who we were able to locate and not on the sample to tell us as many stories as they liked, and at the time and the location they liked

assume a storyteller begins with stories which he thinks are most pleasing to the audience then common one

find in his first stories

express personal character traits of the teller

could not test to which degree such changes were a response of the teller to the felt wishes of his audience

the stories were not collected during natural story-telling situations

continuation of an earlier study,

in which we tried to show that each teller of a story is a creative thinker who changes details in a given story

related to the psychological character of the teller

ask directly the question whether there are such males or female stories, have as many women and girls on our sample as men and boys

testing the hypothesis about they have tales which are specially told among men or among women

put rural and urban, young and old Hakka on our sample

guess that older people may be more traditional than children

Hakka living in village are usually more traditional than those that have moved into cities

also analyze what themselves said about the kind of stories which they liked or disliked and the reasons for this

It may be dangerous for an outsider to analyze the values of another society

more than 500 persons were asked a number of questions

the Hakka were asked which stories they knew, which stories they liked or disliked, for what reason, and which they liked best

find out which stories were really widely known in the Hakka community.

compare the body of widely known Hakka stories with the total tales of Chinese and see whether the Hakka have stories which are not known to other Chinese

if so,whether these stories could contain values

limited to one ethnic group in China, the Hakka of Taiwan,a minority of three to five million

2.it is assumed that they differ from the other Chinese groups

Hakka regard themselves as the " true" Chinese

as immigrants from the central province of china ( mainly Honan) which they left mainly around the 12th century,but partly earlier and partly later


to find out weather such an assumption is collect

reason: 1.Hakka folklore has been less often studied than the folklore of other ethnic groups in China

Hakka cultivate a strong in-group feeling.

but their folklore were preserved well at the same time

difficult to interview cuz of distrust, as the interviewers were Hakka but the information was not to be used by Hakka

Hakka were believed to be backward or more traditional than the other groups.

apply a method similar to the survey methods used by sociologists
get around the other two pitfalls
will not go into the problem of unconscious values, but simply study what people openly express when they are asked about their ideas about tales
disturbing questions are raised when we use psychoanalysis to interpret the unconscious meaning of folk tales

3. if disregard the second problem and take a collection of folk tales, supposedly representing the tales of a given society, does such a collection really represent the tales of a given society?

2.can we assume that a given tale expresses the values of the society to which the storyteller belongs? or does the tale express the storyteller's values only?

1.is subconscious implicitly expressed in all tales in the same way,completely independent of the social structure of the society? or do we first have to know the structure of the society , and the symbolism normally used in that society?

folk tales have been regarded as an expression of the spirit of the people, of the moral and other values of the society