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arabera Anthony Baptiste-Calliste 1 year ago


Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition education can be disseminated through various methods, including providing free and easy healthy recipes, which can cater to dietary restrictions and ingredient accessibility.

Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition

Spreading the knowledge gained through studying Food and Nutrition

Providing Free/Easy Healthy Recipes
Free and easy recipes that happen to be healthy are a gold mine for Food and Nutrition. All of the knowledge of healthy eating habits, possible dietary restraints, and cost of various ingredients can be combined to create a wide variety of delicious meals that adhere to any restrictions, access to ingredients, and diets.
High-school/Community Classes
High-school/community classes are a great method to get people involved as it provides everyone with the opportunity for practical application. These classes are also very efficient as they attract people who have some level of prior interest.
Online Advertisements
Through educational videos, promotional posters, or even Instagram and TikTok content, valuable information and advice regarding Food and Nutrition can be spread. These methods will likely reach younger audiences, such as teens, youth, and college/university students.

Career Paths in Food and Nutrition

Food Scientist
A food scientist will stick to the more scientific part of food and nutrition. They will use their knowledge of the chemical and biological contents of various foods in order to research new possible foods for human consumption. They may also focus on the production of processed foods and how that interacts with the biological and chemical makeup of humans.
Chefs are on the more practical side of nutrition and health. A chef will use their cooking skills and knowledge of nutrition to create hearty and healthy meals. They will utilize various healthy ingredients and be cautionary of allergens and other potential hazards in the foods that they cook.
Nutritionists focus on helping people in need of a lifestyle change, or at least helping those who want to maintain their lifestyle change. A nutritionist may set up a week-by-week plan to get patients on a diet that works for them specifically. A nutritionist may also work in matters of public health and different allergens or viral content that pose a threat to society.

What is studied in Food and Nutrition?

Allergies and dietary requirements
Many people in society have allergies to some sort of ingredient in foods. For example, many have nut allergies. Moreover, as people grow older, they are more likely to become lactose intolerant.
Cooking techniques and ingredient interaction
There are many different ways that a chef could cut produce, meats and grains. This variety in something as simple as cutting will influence the way said ingredient cooks. Additionally, some ingredients are naturally very over-powering. Consider bananas in any fruit smoothie... it is always very easy to smell and taste banana, no matter how few you include.
Minerals and Vitamins, Proteins and Fats, healthy eating techniques
All of these nutrients and resources are vital to the human body, studying Food and Nutrition enables people to identify how and why they are important

Benefits to studying Food and Nutrition

Allows people to learn how to prevent and treat varying amounts of illnesses, diseases, and any other health-related afflictions
People become more aware of the way in which non-healthy foods interact with your body, beyond the surface level weight-gaining
By learning about Nutrition and Health, people are able to learn a variety of new, healthy cooking techniques. These techniques subsequently enable people to continue their pursuit of living a healthy lifestyle. If everyone studied ways to add flavour to healthy foods, a lot more people would live healthier.