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Forces of Nature: Physical Processes and Disasters Breanna Morris 2024

Natural disasters, both sudden and gradual, have significant impacts on the environment and human life. Floods, one of the most common and dangerous natural disasters, cause extensive damage to infrastructure and can result in a high number of casualties.

Forces of Nature: Physical Processes and Disasters Breanna Morris 2024

Forces of Nature: Physical Processes and Disasters Breanna Morris 2024

Systems: Interaction and Interdependance

Why do humans choose to live in disaster-prone areas?

What are the potential impacts of human sigglement in a disaster-prone area?

Who owns water? How do we control the use of freshwater resources?

Earths Planetary Charecteristics and Life

We rely on the earth's physical charecteristics and proccesses to sustain life.

Deforestation and the Importance of Trees
Population and Disasters

People in different regions of the world need different strategies to deal with potential disasters.

Baltimore Bridge Demolition
Global National: May 12, 2024 Wildfires Prompt New Evacuation Across Western Canada Global News
Kenya Flood

Dozens of people have been killed in kenya as weeks of heavy rain devestates the region. At least 71 people have been confirmed dead and 110 people are in the hospital due to the floods in Mai Mahlu in kenya's north-western Nakuru country. Flooding in the region was caused by the busrsting of a dam, through locals and first responders have confirmed that the danger was caused by water blowing through a tunner under a railway bridge was clogged. Rescue teams are still digging through the mud and debris trying to find survivors within. This flood have forced thousands of residents tfrom their homes since march.

A flash flood is a sudden local flood, usually due to heavy rain. Rain mostly comes at nihgt abd leave devistation in the morning. So many people are being killed die to flash flood s in kenya People say the government has done very little to help. Nobody came to help these people, and the water keeps coming.

Sharing the Physical Environment

What happens in one region can have a direct impact on another region.

Global Treaties

Spatial Organization: Spheres of the Earth

Physical Charectersitics of the Earth

Powerful natural processes formed the erath and continue to chnage and mould the outer spheres of the earth.

Ex. The movement of the water cyclecauses erosion, that changes and moulds the lithosphere.

Lithosphere is the sphere of the earth that contains rock.-anywhere ther is rock is the lithosphere.

El Nino
Layers of The Atmosphere
World's Largest Iceberg is on the move

The iceburg is 15,000 m2. Iceburg is largesr than rodeisland. Researchers call it a wall of ice. Around 2 years ago the iceberg detached from somewhere are is not slowly drifting closer and closer. There is air trapped within the iceberg that is helping scientists figure out what the climate was like 10, 20, 30 thousand years ago.

Iceland Volcanos: Drone Footage

The lava breaks throught the ground of iceland and covres the land.

The Water Cycle

The water cycle is how water moves from the land to the ocean to the atmosphere and thendoes it again. This cycle consistes of 3 parts: evaportatiom, codensation, preciptiation. The water cycle is run by the sun.

The water in the ground gets taken up by the roots or it goes into a body of water. Once in the body of water it is then evaoprated into the atmopshere. When it rains the water from the atmosphere goes back into the ground and the cycle continues.

The 4 Spheres Youtube

The subsystems are known as spheres.

Lithosphere (rock) - The lithosphere contians the elements of the earths hard layer like soil. It's diverse and covers mountains, plains, valleys, hills, oceans

Hydrosphere(water) - the earths water is known as the hydrosphere. Water is found in 3 different states gas, liquid and solid. most of the earhs water is salty. 97% off the water is salty. snow is part of the hydroshpere aswell as glaciers and ice.

Atmosphere(air) - the atmosphere is the gas layer around the earths surface. it is held around the planet by the earths gravity. The atmsphere has five main layers and a sixth layer thr ionosphere that overlaps the mesopshere, thermoshpere, etc

Biosphere(living things) - The lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere are all abiotic or non-living parts of earths systems. the biosphere is the only biotic sphere. All living earth is found in the biosphere. 20 to 100 million species live in the biosphere. The 4 sphere constantly interact to create the many sphere in the earth.

Spatial Connections

The earth's physical chaaetersitics hvae been created and are chnaged by physical processes. Ex. Mountains being created by volcanic activity or by techtonic plates craching inot each other.

Spatial Storms

The solar storms are the most active things on earth. This means there will be more active northern lights. This could interfeir with satelight communicatons.

Mt. St. Helens Become a Catalyst for Change
Physical Process and Natural Hazards

Natural hazards are a result of the earth's natural processes and phenomena.

Mount Ruang Eruption

Mount Ruang has erupted 3 times this week. Due to the eruptions 100s of people are being forced to evacuate their homes. One of the eruptions shot ash nearly 70,000 feet high, possibly spewing aerosol into the stratosphere. These eruptions are not safe at all. Indonesia's National Disaster Managenent Agency said that this situation is at a level 3 on a 1-through-4 scale, with 4 being the most severe. After the eruption their were reports of ash fall and communication issues. The authorities are telling people to stay 4 kilometers or 2.5 miles away from the volcano.

Mt. St. Helens

One of the most dramitic geological moments in american history. In 1980 there were 57 lives lost and 100 of millions of dollars in damages. 2 months beofre the eruptions scientists had been closely watching and analysing the volcano. A dome was created inside the volcano, a dome ful of magma. This dome grew 6ft everyday. The entire sky was covred in ash. 230 square miles got covred in 5-9 minutes.

What if Vesuvious Erupted Today?

Lots of people live in what is considred the "red zone". The vesuvious is going to erupt soon. The governemtn is giving people insentives to try to get them to leave, but not many are taking. The cities in the red zone will be covred in seconds and the people will be killed within seconds aswell.


A volcano known as vesuvious erupted and killed an ebtire city of people. Vesuvious covred the cities with a layer of toxic air that made it impossible for people to breathe. Some people escaped by foot, others stayed at home and were killed by the falling debrsi from the volcano.

Multiple Earthquakes Rattle California and Hawaii

Several quakes hot the western half of the United Statesnon Feb 9, with widespread shaking felt across Hawaii and California. A very strong earthquake struck the southern tip of Hawaiis Big Island late fed buray 9th. This was centred around 70km southwest of hilo, the quake registred as a 5.7m according to the united states geological survey.

The shaking was fate as far away as honolulu which is a few hundred kilometers norhtwest of the epicentre. There was no major damages reported across Hawaii.

Live Earthquake Monitoring
The Deadliest Tsunamis of all time

Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes that occur underwater.

Impacts of Change

Processes of Change
The Real Science of Avalanches
Why Don't We hear About The Ozone Layer Anymore?

The biggest problem was chlorine from a man-made compound called chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs. In 1987 ozone leverls dropped by 50%. This growing threat led to some of the fastest collective probelms solving in a long time.

Disaster Prepardness

Wildfires Prompt Evacuation in BC

118 active fires in BC. 3 are out of control. Residents need to be able to leave at a moments notice. These fores are suspected to be human caused.

66 active fires, 3 considred out of control in alberta. Drones are flying over the fires and it ia hampering with this. Residents need to be ready to leave at a moments notice.

Communities Hit by Nova Scotia's Biggest Wildfire Prepare for the Next Emergency

Nova Scotia is taking steps to cope with future emergencies, like improving communication with residents and recruiting more people to fight the fires. People are concrned about these fires.

Wildfires - Get Prepared

Almost Snowless Winter Sparks Early Forest Fire Fears


Niagara Falls Declairs a State of Emergency

Niagara falls declairs a state of emergency as they expect the largest sing influx of visitors in a single day. They are expecting more than a million people to arrive. Putting a strain on traffic, accomodations, emergency response

How to Prepare for the Eclpise

What are the social, environmental, political and economic impacts of this event?


solar retinopathy

schools closing


approved glasses

counterfeit glasses

schools closing - if students damage their eyes, the school could be sued because they are responsible.


selling all those glasses

businesses closing


All those eclipse veiwing glasses are going in the landfills.

Afraid of the Dark

Impacts of Processing and Disasters
Brazil Floods

People in barzil are not doing very well in brazil. The floods are damaging evrything. Houses, bridges and building are going down. People are losing their crops and their merchandise to sell. Roads are covred in water.

UAE largest rainfall in 7 years. A years worth of rain fell in a single event.

Floods and Landslides Kill 31 in Indonesia

Mnay people were killed due to the floods. The video shows the amount of people who survived the floods.

Our UNderstanding of Floods is all Wrong

Extreme rain is a big problems we have in our world. 72% of nyc is covred in impermeable areas. They were covred in 8 inches of water. Our worlds infresturcture can't keep up with the amount of runoff. Many people dies from flooding because thye get trapped inside their house. Floods killed 31 billion in indonesia.

Flash Floods

Flash floods are a sudden increase in the depth and speed of water in rivers, streams, or washes due to heavy rain. Floods can carry large debris like tree truncks and boulders. Flash floodds can occur at any time. They are unpredicatable natural disasters. They can be deadly for people.

Mass Bleaching Eent - Coral Reefs

The oceans are expiriencing another mass coral bleaching event due to unprecedente heat. Bleaching can ccur whe corls are heat-stressed, expelling microscopic algae from within. The longer and otter it gets, the more likely the corals will die, disturbing fragile ecosystems as well as the lives and livlihoods of people who depend on them. Scietists are tring to solve this pobelm by focusing on coral species. that is more heat resistant than other species of coral. Scientists are plenng these species of coral hoping they will grow and spread throughout coral reefs and the bleaching will be less in the future. The coral expelled its algae thats why its white. The algae gives the coral colour.

2023 was the warmest year ever. The uper ocean heat reached a new highest record. Antartica sea ice was at a record low.

Texas Wildfires

Largest in state histroy. More than 1 million acres of fire. 3% of the fire is contained. The fire is 100 miles long. There are 4 major wildfires that firefighters are trying to contain. They are hoping for rain and they are making lines ot try to stop the fire. The fires are forcing people to leave their homes and their cities.

Evacuation Started: Blue Lagoon

People have evacuated because they have found so many signs that the volcano will erupt. They have been tracking the volcano activity for years.

Massive Storm Having an Impact on The High Sierra

Blizzards warnings are in effect and they are having white-out conditions. There are wind speeds over 150mph. REscue teams are being sent in to help people if needed. They are living in extremely dangerous condit

The Physical Enviernment: Sustainability and Stewardship

Human Use Of The Physical Environment
Where Will Canada put its Forever Nuclear Waste Dump
Germans Hidden Leaking Nuclear Waste
Where 6 Metals Used for Electric Cars Come From
Why it's Time to Stop Saving the Planet
Human Impact On The Physical Environment

Eutrophication is excesive algae growth

fertilizer is made to give the plants the nitrogen and phosphorus boost they need in order to grow and thrive.

Lake Erie's Algea Explosion Blamed on Farmers

A satelight image shows the aglae bloom on lake eries 2011, which was called the wirst in decades. This ruined the water for thousands of people as people relied on the water for drinking, bathing, cleaning, etc. Making people rely on bottled water. In the last 10 years the blooms have increased in size, whick also increases the severity of this problem. Scientists think the root causes of todays algae problem is not the same as what caused algae to bloom in the past decades. The algae blooms are caused by excess phosphorus in the water. This provides the algae with fertilizer. The fertilizer is giving the algae what it needs to grow.


The Story Of Plastic Trailer

32% of plastic packaging is ruining our enviernment, 14% is in our landfills, 42% is incinerated, 14% is recycled, 2% is properly recycled. Governments are coming together to try and fix the problem and companies are realizing they ca't get away with this anymore. Countries are banning single use plastic, plastic straws and utensils.

Living Planet Report Canada
Living Planet Report

A living planet report in 2022 said that wildlife population has plummited by 69% since 1970. 

Climate change and biodiversity loss are interlinked emergencies. Climate change and biodiversity loss are driven by the unsustainable use ofour planets resources. These issues are being delt with by scientistsas separte issues with separate solutions.

We don't have a great relationshipwith the environment. We are a factorof our planets demise. We are doing things to help our planet, but its not enough. We are doing good things but we are doing much more bad then we are good.

Species of global conservation concern, assessed as threatened on the IUCN Red List, also have declined in Canada by 42 per cent, on average, from 1970–2016.

At-risk species in Canada face an average of five threats, including the accelerating threat of climate change.

Populations of Canadian species assessed as at risk nationally by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) have declined by 59 per cent, on average, from 1970–2016.

Some nationally at-risk species in our world today are the wood turtle, leatherback sea turtle, collaredpika, Atlantic Walrus, Burrowing owl and the North Atlantic Right Whale.

Renewing The Phsical Environment
Shared Responsibility

Why its so Hard to End Plastic Pollution

The plastic polluted river is a big threat to our environment. People think that they don't use that much plastic and they recycle it properly, but in reality most people don't hvae the supermarket wothout bringing home some type of plastic. No matter our efforts only 9% of platic has been recycled. 2 years ago people all agreed to try but our efforts have not been enough. People have started pointing out all teh negative effects to plastic. People have been showing and talking about all the microscopic plastic pieces that are in our water. People want to get a platic treaty. They want to use platsics to better our world not damage it. We can redesign packages. Governments need to be brave and stand up against the plastic pollution. The governemtn wants to start with all the harmeful plastics and chemicals.

Circular Economy

Circular Economy: Canada.ca

What is Circular Economy


Doug Ford LCBO

Paper bags will soon be available to customers at the LCBO. Doug Ford made his change because he says that many families in ontario are striggling to make ends meet, and every additional expense counts. The LCBO stopped offering paper bags in steptember 2023, now doug ford wants to bring them back. Others don't think doug fords idea ia a good one. They don't believe this is a priority. The LCBO announced in april 2023 that it would start phasing out the bags, saying the move would divert 2,665 tonnes of waste from landfills and save the equivilent of over 188,000 trees every year.


Arubas government is moving to enshire twin environemental rights in its constitution that would recognisr the nature has inherent rights nd also affirm a human right to a clean and healthy and sustainable government. Aligning the countrys governement with a gwoing environmental movement that recognizes humans are independent with the natural world. This unveiled proposed constittional amendment earlier this month to recognize both that human rigt and that nature, on land and water, has rights t protection, conservation nd restoration. The governemtn would require to take perventive measures to protect against the negative events that may happen in the future.

Industries, Corportation and Businesses

The Plastic Industry Knowingly Pushed Recycling Myth For Decades

Plastic companies has supposibly been keeping secresta bout where the plastic recycling is going. Tey are committed to the activites not to the results. Recycling was pushed as a solution but it was not. Plastic makers are looking for all plastci packagng to be reduced, reused and recycled but the polulation does not believe it. Companies are turning old plastic into gas and fossil fuels in order to resue it. Plastic degraded over time so scientst say there is a limit to how many times we can reuse the same plastic. Plasic is so ingraned in modern dy life soi would be impossibeto remove plastic production from the world. Recycling is not working but we can't stop using plastics. Even if we put stiff in our blue boxes it doesn't nessicarily get recycled.

Around the world 1 million plastic bottles are being purchased every minute.

Branded Report

The branded report shows the findings of 239 ocean clean ups in 42 countries. The clean ups categorized the plastics according to the company that prodcued them. They found a suprizing number of coke bottles down there.

Coke Knew

How coke killed the reusable bottle.

The coca cola drink is a knock off of a different drink. It was originally not bottled, you could get it at soda fountains. Once it became polular they put it into bottles. People didn't want to pay for a new bottle everytime, so people put down deposits and a place to put your bottle when your done. The Coke industry was a small corportation so it was more manageble than it would be today. In 1950s people started to see the environmental effects of all this. Coke started to conduct research to see what was better for the environment reusable bottles or plastic. They didn't share the study woth the people. They ended up changing to plastic bottles in the 1970s. They said that they believe that it would be better. In 1970 their was a bill put towards the USA governemnt to ban non-plastic containers. People wanted to solve the problem. They eventually got the governemnt to endorse a recycling program and not endorse the company. They got people to buy into this in order to take the pressure off them. They got people to believe that the recycling program was going to fix everything. Today only 10 states have deposit bills.

Citizens and NGOs

Protests in ottawa to Support a Strong Global Treaty to Stop Plastic Pollution

More than 100 people march from parliment to Hill on sunday as delegates from the UN are gathering in ottawa to discuss how to eliminate plastic waste. Our landfils are overflowing with plastic. There is so much platic waste in our world today and know a biggers problems has presented itself. We are starting to ingest the plastic. Ingesting plastic can cause major health problems for us.

The Problem of Plastic Pollution in Guatemala

Guatemala is covred in plastic waste. There is a river called the Rio las Vacas that is only trash. The entire river is made of trash. 30 kilos of plastic in this gourge. When it rains part of the trash runs down into the river. Some of the residents use this are as a waste management because they don't have a garbage program. People bring trucks of garbage and dump it into the river. On closer inspection of the grabage their are lots of shoes, bottles, toys, markers, cutlery, ect,

David Suzuki

Plastik - Short Film

Sutheast Asia has so much plastic pollution. This film is about a little girl who looks through plastic bottles and only sees plastic. She sees people and animals eating plastic, a little boy drowning in an ocean of plastic, plastc coming out of cooekd fish. I think this means that there is so much palstic in asia that this film exagerates what life will be like if they get any more plastic.

On march 2nd 202, 175 nations backed a historic reslution at the IN environment assembly to end plastic pollution and comit todevelop a legally binding agreement by 2024.