Kategoriak: All - marketing - efficiency - organization - onboarding

arabera Sander bjørvik 1 year ago


How do we want to improve Njord as a Company in 2024

In 2024, Njord aims to enhance its organizational structure by implementing standard processes and tools such as 'Todoist' and Monday/CRM systems. Weekly management meetings with set agendas will be established to ensure progress tracking and goal setting.

How do we want to improve Njord as a Company in 2024

How do we want to improve Njord as a Company in 2024

The intention of a performance review is improvement, coaching and guidance. It will help your employees to better understand their strong points and use them in relation with their abilities.


Hiring PRocess
Additional info

Make Njord a better place to Work.

Summarize your performance review meeting!
Your conclusions can be reused as a starting point for a future performance review.

give people responsbilities and make people accountable
Diversified work tasks
Good onboarding process
Get a core returning crew.
Make living conditions as good as possible.
Be Predictable and fair

Rapid, calculated and sustainable growth

Open questions - Aim for performance reviews with open questions at the end. This will help employees to continue to grow, develop and contribute.

building contacts, networks and goodwill in the industry and community
Develop new products and income streams
Make Njord a good place to work.
Focus on sales and marketing.
1. Create alot high quality Content. Become best in Flåm on Social media 2. find good leads and follow up. 3. Set up a scheduled time to focus on sales and follow up new leads once a week.

Get better.

Show your support for your employees, reassure them that they're capable of managing all the responsabilities that falls on them. Also, give your tips and recommendations for improvement.

Work harder
Work smarter


Going to jail if things goes bad

Choose from the options below according to the employee's competence.



Map the entire process to get everyone on the same page.

Creating organised Processing proccesses new office lady can use and apply.
Private tour responsible
Social media, Content creation.

New office lady Main task: free up darias time.

The preparation is key! Never go into a performance review without preparation.

Write here the employee's work info.

Bring in a new skill or cover an area of the business we are not good at.
Gather info from staff, organising staff info, charge of onboarding proccess.
Citybreak backoffice- schedule/reschedule orders etc.
Answer phone calls
Answer Emails.

Get More structured and Organised.

Add here the info of the employee you are having the performance review meeting with.

timeblock our days.
make standard processes for things.
hold people accountable.
Start Using "Todoist"
key personal/managment meeting 1 set time each week. - A standard set meeting Agenda. * Check Progress of last weeks tasks. * something new came up? * Make plan and set goals for next week * Sort out out what is "Urgent, nice to do, Not Urgent" Quick and efficent.
Start Using Monday/CRM system.