arabera Ding Yong Ghim 3 years ago
Honelako gehiago
This allows complex plans to be carried out, allowing complex inventions which improve our life to be made
Allows for complex operations to be processed easily, allowing everything from access to internet to gaming to complex simulations being run
Allows information to be CREATED and ACCESSED easily
Allows the complexity of the computer to essentially be available at one's fingertips - further increasing accessibility to information
Social Media
Platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram also allow for easy dissemination of information to various different people at once
Helps people keep in contact with one another on a deeper engagement level than just calls (eg photos, video calls, etc)
Invention of Wikipedia made it extremely easy to find information about all types of subjects online
Initially allowed for information to be uploaded online + found
Allowed for real-time communication between two parties, adding a more human element to the telegraph
Allowed for long-distance communication, reducing transport time and allowing messages to be sent quickly
Make printing and making books far more efficient, allowing for greater levels of literacy -> more educated -> leads to improvements in life in other areas
Lighter medium for communication -> easily transport messages
Eg, no longer need to amputate limbs just because they are broken, don't have to suffer through flu because there is no cure
Longer lives, more time to work -> lead to greater advancements in other fields
Covid Vaccine
Helps allow us to resume generally normal life safely
Treats diabetes
Dissection of human body
Understanding of the human body
Allows for skyscrapers to be built - accommodate for growing population without worsening living conditions
Allows stronger, more stable buildings to be built which can support greater loads (ie allowing high rise buildings)
Allows for electricity to be conducted (useful later on) and also for foundations of buildings / bridges
Also used later on for making of technology
Allowed for houses to be built
Cools people on hot days
Allows food to be stored for longer times at home without it spoiling - greater convinence
The fundamental technology that enabled us to get so far
Allows for farming, allowing societies to settle down, leading to greater advancement of science and tech.
Allows for complete automation of process, allowing us to get to our destination with very little effort
Faster shipment of goods, allows things like food and beverages to be exported safely
Allows people to travel far distances on land very quickly, useful for those working / visiting relatives
The trip is also much safer this way than by foot
Allows for transport in a much more efficient manner, allowing us to get to destinations more quickly
Cut on transport time, thus increasing productivity
Allowed international exploration to be possible,
Huge economic benefits in terms of international trade
Could be seen as bad thing (piracy, colonization)
Greater comfort when walking
Allows long distances to be travelled more quickly