arabera Piron - Global 3 months ago
Honelako gehiago
individual contracts
StM Michelle Müntefering
6 Department for Culture and Communication
R612 Religion and Foreign Policy
Ambassador Volker Berresheim
Potential Ally
StM Niels Annen
Department S Crisis Prevention, Stabilization, Post-Conflict Management, Humanitarian Aid
R S 08: S 08 Multilaterale Gestaltung der Humani tären Hilfe
R S 09 Implementing Humanitarian Aid, Regional Programs, Regional Humanitarian Aid
Coordination Committee for Humanitarian Aid
R S 03 Crisis Prevention, Stabilization, Post-Conflict Management - 9 Security Sector Reform, Promoting Rule of Law
Pre-selection of proposals, which can be overruled by political decisions inside BMZ
Focal Point, but engage more on political level, too.
StS Jäger
A3: Asien; Südost- und Osteuropa; Naher Osten; Lateinamerika; Zivilgesellschaft; Kirchen
UA32: Entwicklungspolitische Inlandsarbeit; Zivilgesellschaft; Kirchen; Länder und Kommunen
320 Grundsatzfragen der Zusammenarbeit mit der Zivilgesellschaft, private Träger
A2: Marshallplan with Africa, Flight and Migration
UA 22: Flight, Migration, Crisis Prevention, Commissioner for Politics related to Refugees
222 Transitional Assistance: Ralf Schröder